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The Miner No.2

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Flipscast's Avatar Flipscast
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
Merry Christmas guys and welcome to the 2nd edition of The Miner the weekly Planet Minecraft newspaper that lets you be in control , in this weeks issue we'll be discussing about mobs and is Notch going a bit overdrive about how many naturally spawned mobs he's placing into Minecraft, but first I would like to apologise for the technical issues we had last week with the page layout.


Do you feel bored in Minecraft? Think you need someting to do? Well why no join the Flipscast today!
We need new recruits to help run the Flipscast. To enter just post a comment below VVVVVVVVVVV or you can email us at - loopo2000@rocketmail.com

Recruits must have:

Name (Just your first will do!):

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New recruits will be asked to join in timelapse videos, editing/running The Miner/ help us make a blog and website plus just helping around. If you have any queries or concerns contact us.

Well what are you waiting for...

Good Luck

skipperme & loopo2000

In this weeks spotlight


Yes today we'll be talking about mobs, no not mods, mobs. Mob - short for mobile or monster these computer controlled, non player characters (or NPC's). Over the past few updates of MC a whole host of new mobs have started to appear. Is Notch being to mob friendly or are we just getting to protective about Minecraft.Here are some of the new mobs that were released in the recent 1.0.0 update...


Snow Golem

Mooshroom Cows


Magma Cubes


All of these were introduced in on update and some would say that this is ruining the loneliness and simplicity of MC but some state that it just makes Minecraft better! But these aren't just the only big mod updates Notch has said that he is going to release three more mobs in the next few updates.

These are:

Pigman (A pig that walks and moves like a human)!

Fish (A mod that can be found in rivers, lakes, streams but not swamps).

Red Dragon (An aggressive/passive mob it is not yet known but what is known is that they will have a lair)!

To see more go to: www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Mobs.

Fact Checking The Famous Joke Of The Week

Name: Markus Alexej Perrson How do you start a teddy bear race?

Country: Sweden
Ready, Teddy, GO!
D.O.B: 1st June 1979

Age: 32

Drops: Red Apples

Minecraft Name: Notch (obviously)! Comment Of The Week (COTW)

I like trains!!!

Riddle Of The Week

Why is the letter 'A' like noon?

The answers at the bottom of the page!

Skin Of The Week Mod Of The Week Texture Pack Of The Week

TheRealEnderman Namore77 eddieohhhh

Rasta Mouse Fireworks standout 1.0.0

* * * * stars * * * stars * * * stars

Project Of The Week Thats all for this weeks issue but dont worry you can always
check our other issues below VVVVVVVVVV. And a huge well
to all our winners be sure to check out their sights too and the answer
assassin cobble map to the riddle is below VVVVVVVVVV

Riddle answer: Because 'A' is in the middle of day and so is noon!

* * * * * star

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12/16/2011 2:52 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
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