Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Tips and Tricks to Killing Minecraft Mobs

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smanrt's Avatar smanrt
Level 54 : Grandmaster Batman
Its been a long time since i have posted a blog. So, i decided to post one on killing minecraft mobs the right way.

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The zombie is a very simple minecraft mob. Its attack is walking up to you and biting you. these are ways to kill it with these weapons.

Jump up and hit it on the head. After 1-4 hits it should die. If you have and enchantment on your sword it may take less time to kill it.

Bow and Arrow:
Pull the bow back to full power and aim for its head. This will make the mob die in 1-3 shots.

Aim for the zombies feet and stay 3 blocks away. Splash potions are the most effective potions to use against a zombie.

Punch it twice then step away. Repeat this until the mob is dead.

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The creeper is a more complicated minecraft mob. Its basic attack is explode. These are ways to kill it with these weapons.

Hit it once and back away, until the hissing stops. Repeat this until mob is dead.

Bow and Arrow:
Aim for the mob's head of chest area. Be a good 10 blocks away from it.

Throw at the mobs feet. Potions are the most effective potion to use against a creeper.

Hit it once then back away untill Hissing stops. This may take 30 seconds.

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The spider is a basic minecraft mob. Its basic attack it bite jump. These are ways to kill this mob with these weapons.

Click really fast not giving the mob a chance to jump on you.

Bow and Arrow:
Hit the spider in any place of its body, preferably the head. stay a good 10 blocks away from the mob, because the spider is very fast.

aim potion at the mob. splash potion is the best potion to use against the spider.

Click fast so the mob does not have a chance to jump on you. This may take 25 seconds.

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The skeleton is a basic complicated minecraft mob and its basic attack is shoot. These are ways to kill the skeleton with these weapons.

Click at a normal speed so the mob does not have a chance to shoot you.

Bow and Arrow:
Aim at its head and charge the bow to max power.

Aim at the ground and be 3 blocks away from the mob. Potions are the best potion to use against this mob.

Hit the mob very fast not giving it a chance to shoot.

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The ghast is a complicated minecraft mob. Its basic attack is fire ball. These are ways to kill the mob.

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The slime is a basic minecraft mob. Its basic attack is jump. These are ways to kill it with these weapons.

Hit it very fast so it does not have a chance to jump. This mob splits into smaller slimes, so you must be quick.

Bow and Arrow:
Fully charge the bow and then aim for the slimes face. It will take 1-2 shots for the slime to split. Repeat this for all that split slimes.

Throw the potion directly at the slim it will make the slime die instantly without splitting. Any potion is the best potion to use against a slime.

Hit the slime really fast so it does not jump on you.

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Hit the endermens feet. Do this very fast, because the endermen teleports.

Bow and Arrow:
Aim for the endermens head then locate where he teleported.

Aim at the ground. Splash potion is the best potion to use against this mob.

Put on a pumpkin then hit the endermen really fast.

These are some tips and tricks from me. If you have found some more please leave it in the comments.

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12/30/2013 1:20 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Superman505's Avatar

If it attacks you and you want to stop fighting it: RUN TO THE NEAREST WATER SOURCE
i was like 11 PlsNoBully
01/05/2013 10:52 pm
Level 28 : Expert Wolf Whisperer
i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar
So pretty much click at them? This is a worthwile blog
Who am I again
11/24/2012 8:19 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Zombie
Who am I again's Avatar
you forgot about dropping gravel/sand onto 1-3 block height mobs, because if they are completely in a block, they will suffocate. that really saved my butt once.
11/16/2012 7:34 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
luckyboy22's Avatar
Also use water against endermen they will die
02/19/2013 12:36 am
Level 25 : Expert Toast
connor_mckelvey's Avatar
you can use rain too
11/16/2012 7:31 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
luckyboy22's Avatar
Potions are the most effective potions to use against a creeper?
10/07/2012 10:37 am
Level 20 : Expert Cake
Nithin121's Avatar
2 notes:

One: Critical hits are your friend. They add around a half a heart (roughly) of damage.
Two: You CAN infact hit a enderman with a bow before it starts teleporting to you, just don't aim directly at it, aim above it or something.
Three: When in melee, remember to sprint and attack creepers so it's harder for them to explode because of the knockback.

Now you're wondering why there's three notes.
09/29/2012 1:28 pm
Level 44 : Master Zombie
minecraftworkers's Avatar
tactic for a enderman go stand inthe water
09/13/2012 9:11 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Hunter
ThundahgolemDX's Avatar
Skeletons still attack even when you are hitting. And easy ways to avoid that is to stay as far back of the range of the sword is and keep on running circles around it. The arrows will miss
09/10/2012 10:32 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
BloodFall's Avatar
You may also want to add that only healing potions hurt the undead, and endermen are severely damaged by water ;)
