Minecraft Blogs / Other

Translucent glass! We all want it.

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Level 47 : Master Architect

Minecraft is soon to be full released, and we have till November to make Notch hear us.
Having glass, with it's texture totally opaque or transparent doesn't work.
Having a translucent glass with whatever color it is, would make it so much better.
Ice, water, portal, clouds, and others, already are translucent by default. So, it should be in the basic pack of MC, we should not be OK in using mods for this issue.

The idea is simple enabling the alpha-channel of glass,
so texture artist have more potential to play with.

So lets support this idea (at Get Satisfaction), and I mean voting and give favorites on all posts of this subject, it doesn't matter if this content is duplicated, it matter that people see it, and it gets enough views to call Notch attention to it.

Support the idea!

Go to, Get Satisfaction, and vote:


25 Update Logs

Update #25 : by 7grims 10/10/2011 12:19:40 pmOct 10th, 2011

I have sent a tweet to Notch and Jen about all of this, but I got ignored :(

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10/14/2013 2:35 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Ranger
there is a snapshot for this :P
10/16/2013 1:43 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
oh good, I only had to wait 2 years for it haha
Did u see the date of this blog? xD
En Dabuwya
08/05/2012 2:18 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
There's a mod for this
08/05/2012 1:44 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Yes, but there inst never one with exactly how I want it.
En Dabuwya
08/05/2012 4:53 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
There's one on Planet Minecraft that just changes it so you can make your glass translucent at any level of transparency, I have combined 50% and 10% transparency for my texture pack. What more could you ask for? Granted, there is the bug that minecraft counts translucent parts of glass as opaque, so you can't see any glass on the other side of it, but the guy is working on it.
08/05/2012 6:45 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Found some more bugs, but that MOD is already sooo awesome :D
10/10/2011 12:06 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
wo thats a great idea. and the glass in minecraft is kinda bleh
10/10/2011 12:18 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
I agree, the texture is blah, unfortunately I had to change my mind, and only ask for it to be enabled as translucent, because many ppl like the default look, and I respect that, some stuff just grows on you cause there are there since the beginning of minecraft.
10/10/2011 12:42 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
true true. it does grow on you although in my opinion its awful . but the ones your showing us would look much much better in minecraft and i could make much better looking stuff with them. the glass just needs to be more detailed in minecraft
10/10/2011 1:14 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
xD yes very ugly and intrusive, that's why I do my texture pack.

Can't agree with detail, a simple grey or blue at 20% opacity would be great to me, but there it is, enabling the alpha channel, and it opens lots of possibilities to everyone playing with textures.
