Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

[TUTORIAL] How to give items custom names [No Mods!]

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mynameisjoe's Avatar mynameisjoe
Level 56 : Grandmaster Bunny
HERRRROOOO everybody! Today i will be showing you how to rename ANY Minecraft item to a custom name.
Diamond Sword
Rename to:
Badass Sword (As shown in thumbnail)

You'll need 1 program:

NBTedit: (Click Me!)

Now.. lets get started *Puts shades on*

FIRST, your gonna wanna open up a Minecraft world and put the item(s) you wanna edit into your inventory.

Then save and quit, after that open up NBTedit, in NBTedit open up your Minecraft world,
I will be opening up my Test World cause that's the inventory i wanna edit, then when your in the Minecraft save file double click on level.dat, that will be opened up then go to Data: 24 entries (in case your lost we are in NBTedit now) then scroll down till you see Player: 28 entries (or whatever number it says) then scroll down till you see Inventory: 1 entry type of TagCompound (It could say a different number, but i recommend only having 1 thing in your inventory) then open up Inventory: 1 entries type of type TagCompound go to the first item you see (4 entries) (or the one you wanna edit) then add a compound (top right hand corner) name it tag just like that with no capitals, while the compound you just made (tag) is selected, add another Compound and name it display just like that again with no capitals and while THAT'S selected add a string (next to List in top right hand corner) name that string Name just like that WITH a capital in the beginning and click on display: 1 entry again and add astring (access that by clicking on List then selecting the string option inside that) name that string Lore (the Lore option allows you to add a tag), now double click Name then type whatever you wanna name it I will be naming mines Amazing Item then select Lore and add a String (top right hand corner) and name that string whatever you want i'm going to be naming mine Amazing, then save and your finished, but don't forget to save! Just open up that minecraft world in Minecraft and put your cursor on the item you edited and it should say the name you edited in.

If this helped you a diamond would be MUCH appreciated, this took a hell of a long time to make. If you have any problems comment and i'll do my best to help you!

I do apoligize for the lack of punctuation, though i was tired when i wrote this and didn't feel like adding periods and shit xD

I can see this being VERY useful for custom maps and cool stuff like that.

How its better than using an Anvil:

Anvil renamed item:


The Anvil item can't have a lore unless you open up in NBTEdit and add one.

NBTEdit renamed item:


The NBTEdit one has a lore and the GUI is bigger :3.


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by mynameisjoe 10/07/2012 1:53:44 amOct 7th, 2012

Made it a little more easier to read and added more "periods and shit"

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06/27/2014 4:40 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
DarkPixel1337's Avatar
Uh guys, if you are still around on this post, and want Lore in SP, you can use a command block:

For Example:
/give @p wool 1 14 {display:{Name:"Red Wool",Lore:[Bob]}}

Broken down:
/give @p[b] [ITEM][/b] 1 14 {display:{Name:"[b][ITEMNAME][/b]",Lore:[[b][LORE][/b]]}}
12/05/2013 12:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
RubyManXD's Avatar
Try MCEdit... Sethbling made a custom filter called: Modify Item Strings you can make swords in fact...
Anything really have the default name text + Lore and it has default name text and color name and lore =P
any fan of NBTEdit should try MCEit
09/19/2013 4:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Aelinexos's Avatar
how do u do it in multiplayer?
02/02/2015 2:49 am
Level 1 : New Collective
Curze's Avatar

/give <PLAYER> <ITEM> <AMOUNT> 0 name:<NAME> lore:<LORE>

/give <PLAYER> <ITEM> <AMOUNT> 0 {display:{Name:"<NAME>",Lore:["<LORE1>","<LORE2>"]}}
10/18/2013 11:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Creepis's Avatar
In multiplayer, get the Lores plugin, and do /lore name or /lore add
08/05/2013 9:37 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
Nulcheck's Avatar
my game crashes when i put in "Lore"....
08/05/2013 9:50 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
Nulcheck's Avatar
Nvm, i got it
06/27/2013 1:30 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
StanthekidRS's Avatar
this friggin epic o º
diamond for you o ¼o ¼o ¼o ¼o ¼o ¼o ¼
06/26/2013 10:04 am
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
XxBAxBRADOx12xX's Avatar
I dink i wanz do dis for mai server like benja canada
06/23/2013 8:03 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Archer
Coleslaw1234's Avatar
I did it, it worked.
