Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Tutorial of technic Infamy modern warfare

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DeAwex125's Avatar DeAwex125
Level 10 : Journeyman Dolphin
This will be a tutorial of how to play Technic Infamy Modern warfare.
The first thing to do is the regular stuff like craft some tools and stuff
Then what i usually do is go kill a level 4 Psycho if you have like some armor and a good sword. You do this because they usually have like super powerfull guns like operational sniper riffles and rocket launchers and stuff like that.
Then when you are really good at the game with like diamond armor and a sword and a golden AK47 or something
you should go to the end to defeat the ender dragon. But dont worry, you wont have to find a strong hold just craft some ender explosives it will automacitly get you to the end. And then when your done tell your friends about this tutorial!

PS I dont want comments like"This was a complete waste of time"
do comments like "WOW! This was so not a complete waste of time!"

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07/09/2013 10:03 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
MaxMax125's Avatar
WOW! This was so not a complete waste of time!
