Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

[Tutorial] Update your server to 1.7.2 bukkit!

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bloxParadise_'s Avatar bloxParadise_
Level 34 : Artisan Architect

I have noticed that many people have been asking how they can allow 1.7.2 clients to connect to their 1.6.4 server. Well guys, I have a temporary solution to help you guys out.

I am not responsible if any damage happens to your server (Nothing will happen, most likely).

1. Download this file: spigot.jar
2. Go to your server's root directory.
3. Find craftbukkit.jar (or bukkit.jar).
4. Delete your bukkit.jar file, and replace it with spigot.jar.
5. Rename spigot.jar to whatever your bukkit file was named.
6. Start your server.
7. Have fun!

Pros and cons

o 1.7.2 players can connect.
o You can use server-icon.pngs.
o You can use double-lined motds.

o 1.7.2 blocks and items will not work.
o New biomes will not generate.
o Some plugins may be unstable/unusable.

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02/28/2014 5:08 pm
Level 21 : Expert Skinner
matthew1252's Avatar
link no work
11/23/2013 5:25 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Dpul's Avatar
omg thank you sooo much! this helped me alot with my server :D and my m8 cos he won't stop complaining :L
11/23/2013 5:38 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
bloxParadise_'s Avatar
No problem!
