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Universal Electricity

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TheRealCalclavia's Avatar TheRealCalclavia
Level 42 : Master Engineer
What is Universal Electricity? Why are you making this mod when there are already so many electricity mods out there already? A lot of people have been asking me about this on the forums where I develop my main mod, ICBM. Well there are a lot of reasons why I made Universal Electricity, and I am going to explain some of them in this post I am writing now.

Basically I started of writing my mod ICBM. During that time, ICBM was a fairly small mod. It did not had much content in it except a few explosives. If you don't know what ICBM is, you can check it out here. Anyway, one of ICBM's goals was to provide Minecraft with a balanced warfare. Now the problem with having all these awesome explosives is that the game is too overpowered. You can easily destroy someone's base, or ruin someone's house in a click of a button. That was not I was looking for when I was making ICBM. I wanted ICBM to be hard, to be defensible.

And that is why I made Universal Electricity. To create a diverse, modular and realistic energy network system that any modder out there could use. Now you might ask, why don't you just use the Buildcraft API? Or the IndustrialCraft API? Well, I will be telling you on the next post while I will blog soon...

Universal Electricity can be found here: http://calclavia.com/universalelectricity/

-- Calclavia
Founder of Universal Electricity

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10/21/2012 7:58 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Mattredsox's Avatar
With forge, the same file can be used in the server mods Folder and the clients.
10/20/2012 6:40 am
Level 21 : Expert Pokémon
Pr3d_'s Avatar
Is there a server version of this, so people can all play together kind of like Tekkit?
10/21/2012 9:06 am
Level 42 : Master Engineer
TheRealCalclavia's Avatar
10/20/2012 5:27 am
Level 20 : Expert Mage
Ryalaeth's Avatar
will it need forge.?
10/19/2012 12:34 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
XVeris's Avatar
mod looks really cool...will it need forge? Cause I can't do forge :(
10/19/2012 4:52 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Archer
ckorillex's Avatar
Why can't you do forge?
10/19/2012 4:57 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
XVeris's Avatar
Whatever version of forge I download and my minecraft.jar have...issues...let's just say even if I follow all the steps correctly to download forge, my minecraft still crashes...
10/20/2012 2:53 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Archer
ckorillex's Avatar
You put it directly in the minecraft jar of the bin folder and delete the folder called meta-inf?
Tell me if that doesn't work 0.0
EDIT: It should be the same way you do modloader if you use that.
10/21/2012 9:43 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
XVeris's Avatar
Didn't work :( And I am using ModLoader
10/24/2012 2:33 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Baconator
LutzBlox's Avatar
Do you mean you are using ModLoader with Forge?

Because if that is the case, that might be why it isn't working. They aren't compatible with each other the last time I checked.
10/21/2012 4:15 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Archer
ckorillex's Avatar
Maybe you could show me what you're problem is. Tell me if you want to e-mail :P
10/19/2012 3:20 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
Timeken's Avatar
This is a nice mod.
