Published Oct 25th, 2019, 10/25/19 4:42 am
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Tutorial:How to use paths properly
Terminology & notes
-this tutorial is for the <path> part of the syntax of the "new" /data command
-this is a pretty advanced tutorial about json and nbt tags and you might want to do some research about that first
-key/value: if you don't know at all about nbt tags in minecraft, try typing /data get entity @s, you should get something like
these are the nbt tags of the player, (or it' data), it's composed of keys and values, basically, keys are before ":" and values are after it.
-types of data :
-a key:value set : i will call that a set or a tag during this tutorial
-the different values :
- a number : pretty easy, don't worry about that letter we don't really care for this tutorial
- a string : just text, in quotes ' or double quotes " in json but NOT in minecraft.
-a boolean :it's value can be true or false
-a null : it has no value, not very used in minecraft, written null
- an object :a list of tags, in { }, filled with tags separated by ","
- an array : a list of values , in [ ], filled with values separated by", "
-keys are always strings
-the root object is the object in which everything is stored, the { } we see around the data
-{ } and [ ] will be used instead of {} and [] for clarity but remember to remove the spacing in actual code
the basics of the paths
in minecraft, path refers to a modified version of JSONpath, a syntax used to search values in json objects.
Let's create an example minecraft object for this tutorial:
But what if we want the name of the sauce, if <e use name, the computer wont find it since it's in the sauce tag and send an error. If we use sauce, we will not get an error but
finding values in arrays or lists:
negative indexes
for this, another example is used:
recursive research : indexes are always integers, except when they aren't
ingredients[ ] and ingredients
We already know that sauce.ingredients will send back [.......] but we can also use sauce.ingredients[ ], and that will send {...},{..}... back this is rarely used but still useful to know and will cause an error with data get since it can only output 1 value, it's like recursive research but with no condition.
conditional path
sum up table:
you now know everything about nbt paths in minecraft, feel free to use this in other places since this is a very poorly documented subject but remember to give credit with a link to this
Terminology & notes
-this tutorial is for the <path> part of the syntax of the "new" /data command
-this is a pretty advanced tutorial about json and nbt tags and you might want to do some research about that first
-key/value: if you don't know at all about nbt tags in minecraft, try typing /data get entity @s, you should get something like
{word1:word, word3:number, word4:[...], ect}
these are the nbt tags of the player, (or it' data), it's composed of keys and values, basically, keys are before ":" and values are after it.
-types of data :
-a key:value set : i will call that a set or a tag during this tutorial
-the different values :
- a number : pretty easy, don't worry about that letter we don't really care for this tutorial
- a string : just text, in quotes ' or double quotes " in json but NOT in minecraft.
-a boolean :it's value can be true or false
-a null : it has no value, not very used in minecraft, written null
- an object :a list of tags, in { }, filled with tags separated by ","
- an array : a list of values , in [ ], filled with values separated by", "
-keys are always strings
-the root object is the object in which everything is stored, the { } we see around the data
-{ } and [ ] will be used instead of {} and [] for clarity but remember to remove the spacing in actual code
the basics of the paths
in minecraft, path refers to a modified version of JSONpath, a syntax used to search values in json objects.
Let's create an example minecraft object for this tutorial:
Now lets imagine we want to know the mass of this sauce, we will use mass, the system will send back 15, and that's it, to access a value in the first object, we just use it's key.But what if we want the name of the sauce, if <e use name, the computer wont find it since it's in the sauce tag and send an error. If we use sauce, we will not get an error but
So, how do we access a value in an object in the root object?, we use the point!, the correct path is:, we say to the computer: "we want the value of sauce but it in that value, we want a value named name", this is the basic path, this structure can be repeated as many times as we want in order to access values: is a valid path.finding values in arrays or lists:
Now we know how to access objects but what if our value is part of a list, for example, the tomato ingredient, we can't use sauce.ingredients.tomato since tomato is not a key of the object sauce.ingredients since ingredients is not an object but an array.
To access array, we use indexation (giving a number as the key of a value in a list), for example, the first value of sauce.ingredients is {name:tomato,mass:1}, we access values in list using nameOfList[index] so our tomato ingredient is at sauce.ingredients[0], we always start indexation at index 0.
negative indexes
for this, another example is used:
Here we don't know how many value this array contains but we just added sponge and we would love to access it for some reason, we use negative idexes to count from the end of a list, this time, we count from -1 and not -0 since -0 is the same as 0:
value | sand | gravel | stone | grass | sponge |
positive index | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
negative index | -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 |
recursive research : indexes are always integers, except when they aren't
If we try to use a non integer value as an index in minecraft, the game will tell us it wants a "valid integer", but minecraft can transform some non integer values in integers for us, specifically an object, the integer will be the index of the value of the list that contains the object, if multiple value match the condition, minecraft will send an error. Explanation:
taking back our first example, we want to get the informations of the ingredient sugar, we could use sauce.ingredients[1] or sauce.ingredients[-1] but let's imagine we don't know the index of that object, we use recursive research, we find the value that contains what we want: the syntax is sauce.ingredients[{name:sugar}], and we get the value of sauce.ingredients that contains the tag name:sugar.
ingredients[ ] and ingredients
We already know that sauce.ingredients will send back [.......] but we can also use sauce.ingredients[ ], and that will send {...},{..}... back this is rarely used but still useful to know and will cause an error with data get since it can only output 1 value, it's like recursive research but with no condition.
conditional path
For this last part, we want to get the last ingredient of our ketchip, but only if it's an industrial sauce, we can't use sauce.ingredients[-1] because that would give the output whatever the value of industrial is. To achieve our goal we need to remember that a blank path is the root object and to know conditional paths.
The syntax is name{condition} so our path is (root{industrial:true}.sauce.ingredients[-1].name
The syntax is name{condition} so our path is (root{industrial:true}.sauce.ingredients[-1].name
sum up table:
name | syntax | role | notes |
normal | | tag bar in object foo | |
conditional | foo{bar:value} | foo if = value | |
index | foo[index] | value index of foo | index: + = from start - = from end |
recursive | foo[{bar:value}] | values of foo containing bar:value | can cause an error if multiple values check |
you now know everything about nbt paths in minecraft, feel free to use this in other places since this is a very poorly documented subject but remember to give credit with a link to this
Credit | complement info can be found at |
Tags |
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