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What is the most useless item in minecraft

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Level 36 : Artisan Explorer
There is quite a few items in minecraft that you rarely, or never use. Some of them are: Sponge, fire charge, spider eye, and the clock. Yes I know some of them can be useful, but you don't use them very much do you? Only rarely do you ever even think about these things. (Plus I think clock is a waste of materials.) Now what do you think is the most useless item?

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King Of Crazy
11/03/2012 4:43 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
all of those are useful...
11/03/2012 4:45 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Explorer
well then what ones arent? I am asking which ones are the least usefull? I mean do you use a sponge when you play survival or do you make a clock for no reason?
King Of Crazy
11/03/2012 10:16 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
1. you cant get sponge in survival but you can use it for decoration
2. clocks are vary useful when you use a texture pack with heavy cloud cover or are to laggy to have render distance on normal or far
3. no items or blocks are useless
11/03/2012 4:39 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Batman
Fire is useful to make cool lanterns or to shoot, the clock can tell you what time it is, sponge soaks in water, nether wart makes potions! they are very useful
11/03/2012 4:41 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Explorer
first off that is true but do you really use it much? The clock, why would you waste those materials to make it when you can just look outside at the time? The sponge you can't get unless creative and thats a spider eye! LOL

EDIT: plus almost every item in minecraft you use! There has to be some less useful items in the game right? What do you think they are
11/03/2012 4:47 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Batman
oh thats a spider eye, well that you can eat but you get poisoned. and what are useless mienecraft items? hmmm...........sponge i guess
