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What's so bad about Lapis Lazuli?

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Top_Secret_Name's Avatar Top_Secret_Name
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Hello my friends and welcome to the fourth installment of my o Whato s so bad about?o series. This time around Io ll be talking about one of Minecrafto s rarest ores; Lapis Lazuli.

Lapis Lazuli is an ore found deep underground and is almost as rare as diamonds. It can be mined with at least a stone pickaxe and shall drop quite a few Lapis Lazuli shards when broken. The shards dropped can be used in a couple different ways. They can be used as a dye, crafted into a building material, or even (in some cases) as a tradable item (with other players of course).

I for one always enjoy finding Lapis Lazuli, for instance I once carpeted my home with cyan wool thanks to Lapis. I usually like having a couple blocks in storage for trading or decoration. Well now ito s your turn guys. Tell me what you think of Lapis Lazuli!

If you liked this blog, a diamond is always appreciated. If you didno t like this blog, then Io m sorry I wasted your time.

Thanks and have fun

P.S. Sorry to all my fans who were expecting a sketch, I just haveno t settled into my new house yet. But dono t worry there will be new sketches soon. On a side note, I just hit 80 subscribers! A special thanks goes out to the 80th one, Alpha_Legion. Youo re pretty awesome mate (and so are all the rest of my subscribers).

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05/11/2013 11:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Waflez_R_Kool's Avatar
I LOVE Lapis :D
09/04/2012 8:29 pm
Level 41 : Master Ninja
hunturbo's Avatar
just saying lapiz is great but thats coming from a guy who made a mod about it XD
08/23/2012 5:51 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
*is trying to work out where the writing is...* :/
08/23/2012 7:17 am
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Top_Secret_Name's Avatar
Oh I'm so sorry! D: Next time I'll make it more "colorblind friendly".
08/26/2013 8:35 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
08/23/2012 7:21 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
lulz ^_^ tis fine. was looking forward to reading ur latest blog tho :(
08/23/2012 8:24 am
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Top_Secret_Name's Avatar
THEN I SHALL FIX THIS ONE TODAY! What exactly is the problem though? Is it the font color or is it not bold enough?
08/23/2012 10:02 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
lol, it's just the colour i think. it just fades with the background :( its ok though, i've turned up my contrast, and its made the background lighter, and the writing darker :D So i'm reading it now :)

:O I was ur 80th sub! <3

lulz ^_^
08/23/2012 10:35 am
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Top_Secret_Name's Avatar
Yay! And thanks for subscribing pal! Also this font is what I've decided to use from now on so I'm glad to see that you can read it.
08/17/2012 11:19 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Ranger
kain21's Avatar
i love blue plus its a original color. why cant there be blue flowers in minecraft so you dont have to mine lapis?
08/17/2012 11:36 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Top_Secret_Name's Avatar
I believe it was for a more realistic take on blue dye. I actually own a couple Lapis pieces of art in my home. You see it is possible in real life to acquire dye from Lapis Lazuli. It is worth noting however, on the mobile version of Minecraft there is a cyan flower. This and the camera item were most likely implemented to give players more of a reason to purchase the mobile version.
