Minecraft Blogs / Review

Why 2 block high grass(fern and tall grass) is extremely useless and ugly

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StylZ's Avatar StylZ
Level 32 : Artisan Modder
Every one have played 1.7 know about new tall grass which is 2 block high.I find it extremely annoying because of following reason

-It block your view
-When you break it,it didn't drop any seed
-The texture is really ugly because it look stretched
- It is extremely hard to notice a mob if your view is blocked by it.
-Make plain more messy
-Waste of block id
-If you having sword fighting around tall grass,your sword could hit tall grass but not your target.
-This look like coming from a mod.
-If you accidentally use bone meal on tall grass,it will change to this useless block and waste your bone meal.

The Mojang added 2 block high tall grass is for decoration and provide realistic feeling.This is the worst decoration block ever because it is annoying and ugly.Also,for the realism feeling.Minecraft is a video game,it supposted to be very special because of Minecraft logic.Jeb keep adding realistic stuff into Minecraft making Minecraft lost its unique feeling.This 2 block high tall grass is completely ruined unique Minecraft feeling for me.

We play Minecraft is want to escape from real life and enjoying Minecraft life.Jeb keep adding realistic stuff into Minecraft,making Minecraft more realistic and lost its unique feeling.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by StylZ 12/18/2013 11:20:29 pmDec 18th, 2013

Corrected language mistakes.Thanks for telling me!

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03/04/2018 10:03 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
RyanCR's Avatar
tridents, bark blocks, /bossbar, blockier horses, prismarine slabs and stairs (prismarine was added in 1.8), stripped wood, fish mobs, types of trapdoors; acacia, birch spruce (ect.), (types of normal doors were added in 1.8 too), turtles, more buttons, more pressure plates. so much to discover in mincraft the update aquatic
03/04/2018 9:55 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
RyanCR's Avatar
i am now in 1.13/1.14 (aka) Update aquatic or snapshot 18w09a
07/23/2014 3:53 am
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
Duskhawk's Avatar
I hate double long grass as well, the only thing I like about it is that mobs can't see you in it, which is pretty useful. Everything else about it sucks, yeah. The textures, the fact that it blocks your view and how it just makes plains look ugly.
12/19/2013 6:00 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
ModlessMinecraft's Avatar
I like it because you can use it to hide from the mobs, but the textures can indeed mess up your view but luckily we have resource packs for that. My point is that everything in Minecraft has it's ups and downs; if everything would only have ups the game would be too easy and boring.
12/18/2013 6:28 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Sundaze's Avatar
This is a great blog but you should check over/reread your blog because you got a couple grammar mistakes :)
12/19/2013 4:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheCobblestoner's Avatar
I think you are mistaken there. This is my re-write of your comment:
This is a great blog but you should check over/reread your blog because you got a lot of grammar mistakes :)
12/19/2013 4:34 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Sundaze's Avatar
What do you mean?
12/19/2013 5:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheCobblestoner's Avatar
I just change a couple grammar mistakes to a lot. I could find.. quite a few. Sorry if it made you infer that your grammar was bad.
12/19/2013 5:25 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Sundaze's Avatar
It's okay
12/18/2013 2:37 pm
Level 23 : Expert Hunter
iTz_Dipsy's Avatar
You can play Minecraft 1.6.4 if you like.
You don't have to play 1.7.2 if you hate the grass :)
