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Why creepers are scared of ocelots

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crazybluejosh's Avatar crazybluejosh
Level 37 : Artisan Caveman
Do you know why creepers are scared of ocelots? I think I do. Since cats are new, creepers aren't used to them! Another thing might be that creepers and cats have had ancient history, and cats caused bad things. Cats might want to get revenge on creepers. Maybe that's why creepers aren't usualy seen in Jungle Biomes. (For me). The wierd thing is that cats don't chase the creepers, but the creepers still run! Well, those are my answers. If you have others, then leave a comment (If you can). BYE!!!

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08/06/2015 10:56 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
TheSavageHybrid's Avatar
I think I might be for a similar reason such as how skeletons run from dogs: They are made of leaves. It's possible that creepers know that cats like to play with and attack loose, moving objects. Maybe it's that creeper's can suffer great damage from cats if they get ahold of them and break them apart. Cupa the creeper girl is afraid of them because she still has the memories of a creeper, even though she's in a human form, and doesn't know that in her form she cannot take much damage from a playful attack of a cat.
05/02/2013 11:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CosmicCreeper's Avatar
Actually the reason may be that in myth and many cultures, cats symbolize evil, or Satan (Thus why witches have black cats). This would mean they sybolize the Nether (a place where there are no creepers by the way). And no, I am not making this up, many believe things such as cats are witches that have changed their appearance, or that they are from Hell.
05/25/2013 3:01 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Caveman
crazybluejosh's Avatar
Oh......okay.......that explains a lot
12/06/2012 10:38 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
kittehs6's Avatar
sssss cat meow creeper ahhhh!! me :3 i have a trap
12/07/2012 3:54 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Caveman
crazybluejosh's Avatar
hehe NICE
11/15/2012 6:52 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
levi063's Avatar
mabey the eyptians knew how to kill creepers and sence eyptians worshiped cats creepers are now scard of them and scence ocoltes look a lot like cats creepers still run from them

best i can come up with
11/15/2012 7:03 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
Pretty interesting coment :)

but my reason is that creepers don't want to explode and hurt the ocelots so they run away because before creepers learned how to explode they were best friends with the ocelots.

( best I can come up with, yours is probably better to most people )
11/30/2012 4:21 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Archer
bobeh28's Avatar
No offence man, but the Egyptians Literally worshiped Every animal they knew of. (they knew of cows, why aren't creepers afraid of them?) Plus, real reason is kinda simple: Notch thought creepers were too strong, so when he added Ocelots and cats, he made them a kind of weakness for the creepers.
01/04/2013 6:10 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
u replyed 2 the wrong commment lol
11/15/2012 7:12 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
levi063's Avatar
oh and i dimonded
