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Why use skype?

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Anthrophobic's Avatar Anthrophobic
Level 46 : Master Ninja
I see people everyday posting about using Skype to communicate with mics over Minecraft. Why is it this program is so popular to use? It has so many negatives when it comes to mic chat over any game.

Reason I hate Skype for mic chat over video-games:
1. Its open mic, no one wants to hear you breath.
2. Its not very resourceful, for those that already have a hard time running Minecraft, Skype just makes it harder.
3. Dropped calls and group chats, if you don't have a good host for the call, it lags and drops.

Reason I love any other program:
1. Less resourceful.
2. Push to talk features.
3. Hosted servers, so no dropped calls!

Why not try using Ventrilo, Mumble or even Teamspeak! Yes these have negatives that Skype doesn't have, but they allow push to talk options and take up less resource than Skype as well as no dropped calls due to it being on a hosted server. While Ventrilo and Mumble may be hard for you to find a server because it cost to host one, Teamspeak has servers set up for you and your friends to join that are public. Although it may be hard to find a server for Ventrilo and Mumble there is always Google, use it to search for Minecraft servers. You never know, you may get lucky as I did and find a server with a large community of Minecraft players online at all times.

Sorry for my rant, just don't understand why anyone would want to use a open mic program and listen to each other breath heavily while they fight to keep their computer from freezing because Minecraft and Skype are fighting each other.

Ventrilo Download: http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php

Mumble Download: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/

Teamspeak Download: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads

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CreditVentrilo,Mumble,Teamspeak and Skype

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11/29/2011 4:56 pm
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
Ekorren2000's Avatar
What if you're playing ex. Minecraft, and you got 1heart and no hungerbar, a skeleton comes and attack you, but you got a wooden sword. You need help from your friends to kill it fast because they stay right behind it. Do you think you got time pressing a random button to talk?
And you cant hear ppl breath, if your now doing a blowjob on your mic...
11/29/2011 5:05 pm
Level 46 : Master Ninja
Anthrophobic's Avatar
Yes, I have plenty of time to hit a button because its not random. Its a set button I choose to use to talk and not to mention Ventrilo has a feature that is voice sensitive and will only pick your voice up if you talk loud enough. I have never had a problem with hitting a button to talk and I don't want to hear your baby cry in the background, your woman cry about getting off the computer or your parents yelling about getting a job. Get a valid argument before you speak.
11/29/2011 5:07 pm
Level 46 : Master Ninja
Anthrophobic's Avatar
Not to mention if you have 1 heart left, no matter how close or far a person if from you. What if its a skeleton? You are still dead.. he is targeting you and will shoot you before you even get the chance to do anything about it, run or push a button. Valid argument.
12/01/2011 4:44 am
Level 24 : Expert Pokémon
brokenscouter's Avatar
1 heart left? Right Click, GTFO out of there. Nuff' Said.
12/01/2011 7:02 am
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
Ekorren2000's Avatar
Thats just my opinion, you dont need to rage b****!
12/01/2011 3:17 pm
Level 24 : Expert Pokémon
brokenscouter's Avatar
Oops. Either I misspelt, or you miss understood what I said. Probably both. Let me try that again. I meant if you have 1 heart left, you can right click with your sword to take half a heart damage. And the second you get hit, you strafe away.
11/21/2011 4:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
epictech300's Avatar
Skype is a great program I often use it when making youtube videos with friends as it is very good quality (about par with mumble) and because of the open mic also it is p2p unlike mumble/vent/TS which are all great programs but require you to have a server you can go on without people coming on which means making your own server which is heavy on resources especially if your already hosing a minecraft server locally and it can be a pain to set up a local server. As for skype using loads of resources I dont really see what your on about it.

So Vent/Mumble/TS are great for talking to a group of people but if you just want to chat with your friends skype is a better option in my opinion.

also skype has webcam
11/21/2011 4:59 pm
Level 46 : Master Ninja
Anthrophobic's Avatar
Skype uses TONS of resources. Its a huge program that lags the typical computer out there, I know because I have had the problem myself. Boot Skype and then out of no where start freezing. And yes, for chit-chat with your friends, Skype is wonderful, but for gaming I recommend mumble/ventrilo. Much better. Not to mention mumble has a overlay for steam games that shows who is in the channel and who is speaking.
