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Why you should use chat!

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Exurbia's Avatar Exurbia
Retired Moderator
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
You're probably thinking, "Exurbia, why are you telling me to use chat? It is pointless and there is nothing to do!" That is where you are wrong! Chat is a world full of wonders. There is many things you can do in chat, and it surely isn't boring at all. I'll just be taking you through some of the things chat is good for!

Where is chat?

Good question. If you have never visited chat before, or actually never knew it existed, you can get to it by this link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/chat/ Or, you can find it on your homebar to the far right.


Rules and guidelines of chat:

Now, before you get into chat and get your self banned almost instantly, maybe it would be a good idea to check out the chat rules. You don't want to end up being banned by Studnicky or Vrej, do you? (These guys are ruthless, just a warning to you!) So check out the rules here, and try your best to follow them.

What is chat good for?

Chat is good for many things. You can talk to other PMCers, advertise, make friends, and more!
  • Meeting others and making friends: There are always people in chat. Some people are regulars, and well known, while others only visit sometimes. But it doesn't matter how active you are, you can always make friends and meet new people. From my own experience, I have never in my time here on PMC seen the exact same people in chat at once. There is always different people there all from different countries.
  • Advertising and getting noticed: Chat is a great place to advertise your submissions. You can post a link to one submission every 15 minutes (that's a rule!) and get feedback or just try to get on the popular reel! You can also advertise works of yours that aren't PMC related, like maybe some art you did, or a Youtube video you made. Just be sure not to spam your link! You can also become noticed in chat if you advertise. I have actually discovered some awesome builders and skinners just from clicking advertisements in chat.
  • Getting feedback: You can also get feedback on your work in chat. People there are very friendly, and won't kill you if you post something that isn't the best! Just ask for feedback, and maybe someone can help you improve!
  • Advertising your server: So, your server doesn't have many members? Have no fear! The Server Hall is here! The server hall is a specific channel/room just for advertising your server! Warning: If you advertise your server in any other chat channel/room, you will be kicked! And that is no fun. :c
  • Roleplaying/wasting time: Yeah that's right. You can role play in chat! Have some fun, mess around! (Just be sure to follow the rules! >:c) You can also go into chat to waste time. Seriously.
  • Getting kicked/banned: Yep. You can also do that in chat. It's not that fun though.

So, those are just the main things you can do in the chat room, there are many many more things you can also do, if you just visit it some time!

Chat channels/rooms:
There are five (six if you are a moderator) chat channels/rooms you can chat in.

Lobby: The lobby is for any general discussion. Go there to advertise, meet people, and have fun. DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR SERVER IN THE LOBBY.

Server hall: The server hall is for server discussion/advertising. You can post your server IP here, recruit staff, ask server related questions, and anything else that is server related.

Skinning: Skinning is mainly used when chat is really busy. People go in there to discuss skins and such. You do not need to go there if you want to advertise your skin, you can stay in the lobby. People just use it when the lobby is really busy, and want to talk abut skins somewhere quieter.

Modding: Modding is pretty similar to skinning. People go there to discuss/advertise mods when the lobby is too busy. Again, if you want to advertise your mod, you don't have to go there. You can stay in the lobby.

Secret!: That is the moderator chat. Normal members cannot access it. So do not worry about it.

My channel: My channel is your personal channel where you can see whisper to/from you. You can also invite other users to your channel if you wish to have a private conversation with more than one person.

Chat buttons:
You can find these buttons up in the top right hand corner of your chat window.

Style: Style is the theme you can have in chat. It changes the color of things. There are 3 themes to choose from: PlanetMC which is the default, Radium which is a grey theme (the one I use) and you have Black which is a black theme.

Information button: The information button (far left) just leads you to the forum post about chat. There you can find commands and information about chat.

Settings button: The settings button (next to information and is a wrench and screwdriver) is where you can change your settings. You can change the sounds in chat, volume, and more. This is here to make your chat more of what you'd like.

User/Online list: The online list (the one next to settings and has two people) just shows the users online. You can right click people unsernames and perform actions, like whisper, view profile, ignore, and more.

Autoscroll button: The autoscroll button (next to online list and looks like two triangles) just toggles the autoscroll in chat. Autoscroll is when it automatically scrolls down to new messages. You can turn it off to look at previous messages without it bringing you all the way back down to the bottom when someone posts a new message.

Logs: The logs are for moderators only. No need to worry about them. :)

Getting noticed by moderators!
Yep, that's right. You can get noticed by moderators in chat. Good and bad ways. But, you would preferably like to be noticed in a good way, because then you won't end up banned! The Team is always looking out for potential mods, to moderate the masses of posts in chat, or maybe you could also be recruited as a forum/site mod. If you regularly visit chat, help others, not cause trouble, follow the rules, and be an overall friendly person, you may become mod some day!

So now that you know all about chat, go and visit it! Have some fun, and meet new people.

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02/09/2013 4:24 am
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
1. Vrej got the sack and Studnicky is nice. Vrej should b yellow.
2. FORUM FTW!!!!!!!!!!
11/01/2012 7:05 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
The-pod's Avatar
After I read this, I immediately want to go to the chat....
10/19/2012 8:27 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
_books's Avatar
The or else picture killed me and I couldn't stop laughing for some reason :I

10/13/2012 2:55 am
Level 49 : Master Pirate
TTV-tiltedmatt's Avatar
"Why YOU should use chat."
- because your friendly neighborhood psycopom is there :D
10/07/2012 10:17 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Skinner
solemnote's Avatar
How'd you make it black :(

EDIT: Oh wait, nvm. :P
10/04/2012 10:24 am
Level 71 : Legendary Pokémon
Luis's Avatar
Once you are in chat, Exurbia has full control over you....
09/29/2012 8:28 am
Level 37 : Artisan Skinner
terreen's Avatar
Why you shouldn't use chat! Unless you are well known, you get ignored :D still, good blog diamonded!
09/29/2012 8:36 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
Ahaha. xD Thanks.
09/29/2012 8:22 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
rattle_snake98's Avatar
Great blog, because of you my skins now have a lot more attention than before, this one is getting a diamond and favorite :D
09/29/2012 8:23 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
Yay! I'm glad to hear that!
