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Dirt to Diamonds (Metaphorically!)

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Exurbia's Avatar Exurbia
Retired Moderator
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Haven't posted a decent blog in a while, hopefully I haven't gotten too rusty. Anyways, I hope this blog helps answer some questions.

Dirt to diamonds, what does that mean? Io m not talking about those spammy dirt to diamonds mods, oh no. Io m talking metaphorically. Dirt, something that isno t the best or popular, to diamonds, something that is popular, and on the reel with lots of diamonds. Thato s right, Io m talking submissions. Io ve noticed a lot of people complaining that popular members hog the reel, all of the time. Io m not going to say thato s not the truth, because it is the truth in a way. Popular members always get on the reel, whether ito s the_soup with an amazing skin, lynchyinc with a glorious build, or OliverFrenchie with an informative blog. Either way, these people always get on the reel, and Io m going to tell you how.

Well, first youo ve got to get the basics down. What to do, and what not to do. That means you have to do some of these things to succeed. First of all, the things you must do. Well, you have to make your submission good. Pretty simple? No. You have to put effort, time, and dedication into your submission. If ito s a skin: make something original and shade it, not stupid unshaded spammy teenager skins. If ito s a texturepack: make sure ito s original. You dono t want to make an easy simplistic 2x2 texturepack, do you? You want to put effort into your texturepack, make it look good and something reel worthy. If ito s a build: Make the build huge! (Well, you dono t have to, but most builds on the reel are big) You also need to put effort into it, not just make a small 4x4 dirt hut. Make a palace, an airship, anything you desire. As long as you think ito s amazing. If ito s a mod: Make something original. Not a Herobrine mod, or a dirt to diamonds mod. They have been done too many times. If ito s a server: Make it something cool! Give it an awesome name, make people want to click on it and join. Be sure to have a fair server too, with no mod abuse or something that will upset someone. You want your players to enjoy themselves. And finally, if ito s a blog: You want to make it something worth reading. Not boring, and only a couple of sentences. Make a rant about multiplayer, or write a short story. Maybe share some of your creations. Just make it interesting for the reader. So now weo ve got the basic doo s down, now we will move on to the dono ts. Well, first of all, you do not want to post something against the rules. Read the submission rules here. That can get you site banned, and you wono t be able to upload anything for either a short amount of time, or maybe never again. Another thing you shouldno t do. Spam the chat/forums with your submission link(s). That is also against the rules. Another thing you cano t do is viewbot/multiaccount. That is, of course, also against the rules. There is one thing that you shouldno t do that isno t against the ruleso ¦ ito s not putting effort, time, and dedication into your submissions. If you only spend 5-15 minutes on something, you shouldno t post it. Because, it probably isno t good enough to be posted. Well, now weo ve got the basic doo s/dono ts down, we can move on.

So why do these people get on the reel? Many reasons. Maybe because they upload quality work regularly, they are a liked member, they advertise in chat, maybe because they have lots of subscribers. Let me stop you there. Why do they have so many subscribers? Funny you should ask, because mainly all of the reasons I just listed. Having lots of subscribers and always getting on the reel is practically an infinite loop. You get on the reel once, you gain subscribers, you post something else, those subscribers help you get on the reel, you get on the reel and gain more subscribers, and it never stops. The more you get on the reel, the more subscribers you get, and then the more you get on the reel! Kinda of confusing, isno t it? Not really. Youo ve just got to use your brain. Now we are back at our first question, why do they get on the reel? Because quality and subs. That is all you need to succeed. Quality work and subscribers. They are like soul mates. They are meant for each other, and they work together so well. You dono t need EXP, that has nothing to do with getting on the reel. Sure, you gain EXP from being on the reel, but the reel is not EXP dependant. You could be a level 1, or level 82 to get on the reel. So basically, here is getting on the reel in a nutshell. Get on the reel, get subs, subs help you get on the reel again, more sub, and then repeat.

So how do they get on the reel so quickly? Some of the stuff in the paragraph above, and advertising. One trick to getting on the reel quickly as you can is advertising in chat. Ask for feedback, tell people to check your new skin out, ask them to help you improve on your building, just remember the 15 minute rule. Ito s good to post your submissions when chat is really busy. Because when chat is busy, the more people will click your link, and you will have a higher chance of getting on the reel. I suggest advertising when there are over 20 people in the lobby, that is normally a good time to post your link. Also, advertise until you get on the reel. If it takes minutes, or hours, just keep advertising. Advertising is how many people get popular. Let me tell you out of personal experience. Someone unknown will post their ad in chat, and I click it. Surprisingly, it is a great submission. I normally diamond on it or comment. So, just because people areno t that well known, that doesno t mean they dono t make great things. They may just be getting started on their path to fame, and the popular reel.

So Ex, Io ve been doing all of this, but Io m still not getting on the popular reel! Oh really? Oh silly me, I forgot something. Learning from the professionals. A few skinners I am friends with became famous from learning from the professional skinners, like Leostereo. They would download his skins and look at his techniques, and other things. You can do that with any submission really. Take Rova for example, he makes amazing air ships. I bet if you downloaded a few of them, and studied his technique carefully, you would probably be able to build amazing air ships too! And another thing you could do is ask the creator themselves for any tips on skinning/building/modding/etc. It wouldno t hurt to PM them just asking for a few tips, and maybe constructive criticism here and there. They would probably be glad to help, if they are not too busy. Most people are really friendly, and would love to lend a hand.

So Io ve said all I can on this subject. I hope it helps. And stops people from complaining about not getting on the reel. Dono t post crappy work, put time, effort, and dedication into the things you make. If you didno t do that, ito s not postable. Also remember to do something original, but it never hurts to find inspiration from someone famous.

for walruz: bacun

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10/22/2012 2:13 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
lovell07's Avatar
hey jgsampson its realy nice to see all that hard work hope we can be friends again
10/09/2012 1:30 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
maximiliaan1234's Avatar
Diamond for you and ill subscribe so you get back on th reel :)
10/09/2012 1:05 pm
Level 46 : Master Modder
JasonOnce's Avatar
Me" lvl 62. 313 subs. If you want to get high you need original content and quite allot of it.
VERY important is that you advertise good: What i mean with that is have a good title and Picture of your upload.
10/09/2012 2:06 am
Level 47 : Master Egyptian
wolfgang798's Avatar
Good blog,So much INFO Diamond for u and a fav couse im nice :P
10/09/2012 2:18 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
Thanks :D
10/08/2012 5:45 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
Mynaarz's Avatar
This is really long but informative thanks!
10/09/2012 2:18 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
You're welcome. :3
10/09/2012 2:20 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
Mynaarz's Avatar
360Gamer 072
10/08/2012 5:33 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Ninja
360Gamer 072's Avatar
Well i didnt read it because if i did it would be midnight
10/08/2012 10:25 am
Level 81 : Elite Architect
Nefashus's Avatar
Exurbia! :DD
