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*WIP* How To Play Mineplex GEM HUNTERS!

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bagged_milk's Avatar bagged_milk
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
Running Count of The Times I Have Died Making This: I forgot to count but it's up to four I think

Hey everyone! Recently Mineplex (1.12 gaming server) Network came out with a Beta game called Gem Hunters which recently updated to 2.0!
Mineplex Gem Hunters Removed
I'm leaving this blog up for the time being in case someone has a use for it as a dupe on another server or if Mineplex brings it back.
Mineplex has removed Gem Hunters (which I only found out this week (March 1, 2018)).
Quoted from Mineplex Forums, post originally by owner Strutt20.
"Unfortunately, we have decided to discontinue Gem Hunters. It was currently not up to the standards that we want to provide to our players and needed some major work. After evaluating the amount of work needed, we decided that our developer's time would be better spent on some other updates we have coming to more popular games and some new releases we have in store that we are very excited about. We know this stinks to those of you that played Gem Hunters and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. However, we want to make sure that we are offering the best quality of games we can and provide the updates to games that you have been asking for and will benefit a much bigger portion of the community. Thanks for understanding!"

If someone has a similar game out there, hopefully this is useful to you guys.
I've noticed that it can be very confusing and frustrating for new players, so I decided it was time for a guide! Hope this is helpful for you to get started- I'm sharing some of the things that I do in the game to upgrade and get to diamond armor, and get better things or even cash out.
Just to begin, I'm going to mention here that I do not cash out, and I do not collect or try to gain valuable items other than enchanted items mainly because I don't want to die, and I don't see a need to cash out when all I play is Gem Hunters nowadays.
Another thing is that you may find it useful to cash out a few times because each time you restart in Gem Hunters, it costs you 100 gems. Play a few games and save up, if you need.
= If you would like to add information to this blog, please let me know in the comments!! =
Basic Tutorial

Ranks (In Progress)
Bankrupt- 0 gems
Beggar- 100
Millionaire- 1,000 gems

The Map: by cityuser from Mineplex Forums---- http://www.mineplex.com/forums/m/11929946/viewthread/29813945-gem-hunters-subway-system/post/last
Subway System Map by cityuser on Mineplex

This map shows the entirety of the game map (shown in game by holding your map in your hand and right clicking a few times) with the subway system mapped out. It shows both safe zones and each subway station, as well as the airport.
Some features of the map include showing you as a white icon, showing valuable players as blue icons, and showing the most valuable player as a red icon. Supply Drops are white star shapes, which are helicopters. The Zombie Assault (more on both of these subjects soon) is a red arrow.

Safe Zones
The safe zones are shown on the maps as the bright green squares. When you are near one, you should see green beacons around it. In these areas, you are safe from combat, unless you have a valuable item. This means that you are still vulnerable even when you are in the safe zone. If you enter the safe zone while your status is listed as "Combat", then you are still able to be killed.
The East safe zone is in between stations B and C on the map above. ---Coords:
The West safe zone is next to station A. ---Coords: (X -206 Z -296)
NOTE: Nearby the West safe zone, in the Sewers, is the Hobo, which I will mention soon under the Quests section.
-NPCs in the Safe Zones
There are several NPC villagers hanging around in the safe zones. These are "Buying," "Selling," "Random Teleport," and "Quest Master." See below for individual information on each of these.
-Buying: The "Buying" NPC will sell you items, as long as you have enough gems for said items. These are things such as
armor, swords, food, and materials to craft or cook.
-Selling: The "Selling" NPC (located behind the Quest Master or the Random Teleport) will buy your unneeded items from
you. Some items, however, it will not buy. Test a few objects to find their value!
-Quest Master: The "Quest Master" has five quests for you that reset every 15 minutes. See the Quest List below for an idea of what the quests are. NOTE: In order to give the Quest Master an apple,
right click the quest master with the apple in your hand. The quests do not differ between safe zones- the safe zones offer you the same quests at the same time.
Quest List (Hobo Coordinates Listed Here!)
Enjoy The View: 25 Gems to Take Quest, 100 Gem Reward. Climb to the roof of a skyscraper and watch the sun set.
Treasure Hunter: 100 Gems to Take Quest, 5000 Gem Reward: Open one Legendary Chest.
Slayer: 250 Gems to Take Quest, Omega Chest as a Reward: Kill 25 players.
Emergency Medi-Vac: 50 Gems to Take Quest, 150 Gem Reward: Get to the helicopter on the roof of the hospital. NOTE: I find that I just have to walk around the helicopter and rub my face on it a while to get the quest to complete. Best wash your face afterwards...?
Give to the Homeless: 100 Gems to Take Quest, 10 Gems Spent in Process, 300 Gem Reward: Donate 10 gems to the Hobo.
HOBO COORDINATES: The Hobo is in the Sewers under the West safe zone. The coordinates are (X -257 / Y 51 / Z -369)
Equality: 100 gems to Take Quest, 1500 Gem Reward: Slay the most valuable player in the game.
Going on a Journey: 200 Gems to Take Quest, Diamond Horse Armor Mount as Reward: Go on a journey of 5000 blocks.
The Golden Apple: 200 gems to Take Quest, 3000 Gem Reward: Bring the Quest Master a Golden Appple.
Warrior: 100 gems to Take Quest, Illuminated Chest as Reward: Kill 10 players.
Mercenary: 50 gems to Take Quest, Mythical Chest as Reward: Kill 5 players.
Superior Chest Opener: 500 gems to Take Quest, 750 Gem Reward: Open 40 chests.
Resupply: 100 gems to Take Quest, 500 Gem Reward: Open a Supply Drop.
Grand Chest Opener: 200 Gems to Take Quest, 500 Gem Reward: Open 20 chests.
Vision Quest: 100 Gems to Take Quest, 300 Gem Reward: Climb the Tallest Mountain

-Random Teleport: The "Random Teleport" NPC, when right clicked, transports you to a randomly chosen spot on the map.
This can be 10 blocks away or all the way across the map, it's just a random teleport.

Supply Drops
Here's how Supply Drops work. In the right menu on your screen, there is an orange heading labeled "Supply Drop". This shows a timer of when the next supply drop will be announced in chat. Once the timer runs out, the supply drop location name and coordinates are listed in chat. The timer will then switch to a guide that will tell you how many meters (1 block = 1 meter) you are away from the supply drop. The supply drops usually have valuable items in them, such as armor, but if you do not have a use for the items in the chest, you could try selling them for a small amount of money in a safe zone. As there is usually a large amount of players in the game at all times, there's usually a lot of well-equipped players that head for the supply drops.

Sections In Progress (Please give me information on these if you can, I will credit you)
Zombie Assault reward Omega Chest and "1 other" (by mushmonster)
Valuable Items
Creditcityuser from Mineplex Forums, mushmonster on Mineplex, Mineplex, Strutt20

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