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Zombies map Mod Request

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webursey's Avatar webursey
Level 2 : Apprentice Engineer
I would like to request a mod for my nazi zombies maps. I've never modded and don't have the commitment to learn how so here's the plan. If this mod is made, i would re release my maps in a separate download with the mod. The idea for the mod is a nazi zombies mod that is not zombie craft because it does not contain all that I want or need. I want all that follows with simple installation because my minecraft seems to not like mods for some reason. There are a few specifics i would like to go over just to make sure it meets the required standards for my maps.

The guns must only be available in creative, therefor no crafting recipe. I would like all guns to naturally spawn with the amount of ammo they have in the game so you don't have to buy ammo separately. The mod must contain all the guns and weapons in WaW and Black Ops including wonder weapons as well as the grenades, which must not destroy terrain, but one hit kill zombies.

Zombies must be able to survive in the day, as well as having the permanent time settable in creative mode.

The mod must remove the natural spawns of all mobs but zombies to make the lighting not required to avoid creepers.

Barriers must be implemented, similar to those in zombie craft only with multiple textures.

The levels must be the form of currency, so in doing that you would also remove the drops of all mobs besides experience.

The hunger bar must be removed and the experience must be moved into its place with and edited graphic to make it shorter and thicker to take up the same space as the hunger bar.

The mystery box must be included and properly work, as well as the pack a punch, with all the pack a punched guns included and named properly. The special melee weapons must both be present as well as all the special grenades.

The perks must also be included with their machines to proportionate size and work as the following.

Juggernog: Exactly like the zombie craft version (Giving you a double health bar) Only with a different graphic which would include a silver health bar appearing over top of the original and wearing away to reveal the red one. Must be level 20

Quick revive: Must make it so once your health reaches zero, you gain 3 more hearts and lose all your perks. Must be level 5

Speed Cola: with the guns working the way i would like, your ammo would be in clips shown with text, and this would half the reload time. Must be level 30

Double tap: Makes all bullets do double damage. Must be level 20

Phd Flopper: The perk would make all explosions not damage you as well as jumps that would cause fall damage do the damage but also make a grenade sized explosion where you land. Must be level 20

Staminup: Another non mentioned requirement would be limited sprint, and this perk would double sprint time as well as give you a permanent speed boost equal to speed potion level 1. Must be level 20

Mule kick: Would add another gun slot to your edited hotbar. Must be level 40

Deadshot: Would make your large crosshairs smaller. Must be level 10

Pack A Punch: Would trade all weapons for their pack a punched versions. Must be level 50

??? Box: Would give you a random gun only containing the weapons actually contained in the games. Because of this, there would be a WaW box, and a Black Ops box. Must be level 9

The Items would be bought by a custom block that could be edited in creative mode, and would work in survival. In creative the gui would open providing you with 2 options. It would have a slot for the item bought. The quantity put into the slot would be the quantity given by buying it. The second option would be how many levels of experience would be required, and taken to buy the item. In doing this all levels of experience would be reduced to 10 experience per level to keep the prices realistic. the guns bought would be switched with the current gun your holding. The doors would be bought similarly and so would debris. There would be an edit to wooden and iron doors that would make them cost money and be edited like wall guns minus the item placement slot. Perhaps multiple debris blocks with textures like blocks that exist like dirt, wood, and cobble stone.

The Inventory must be removed and the hotbar edited in the following way: There would be certain spaces in the hotbar. There would be 2 visible item boxes (3 if with mule kick) for guns, There would be a blank space for your melee weapon, there would be 2 blank spaces for regular, and special grenades, there would be a blank space for equipment, which encompasses any other material.

There would be 4 buttons added. A reload/buy button which would start as the current inventory button, and a melee button which would start as the q button because throwing out items would be removed. The melee weapons would never break and the 2 advanced ones would 2 hit kill zombies but yield no experience to prevent them being O.P. The third and fourth would be buttons for the 2 grenades and would start as r and f.

There are also some optional additions that are not necessary but would be freaking cool, but are not required.

The sneak button working like the crouch prone button, as well as adding dolphin diving and thus editing Phd to work like in game.

Blood would be added as a particle and would fly from gunshot wounds and

Removed limbs. This might be hard, but would be really awesome as it would add the possibility of critical head shots, and possibly crawlers.

Cooking grenades. Perhaps a button press to arm them and another to throw.

Things like zip lines teleporters, and lunar landers. They would just be really cool to have.

The 4 character skins that would randomly be on the player

Multiple box placements. This would be a hard one

The idea, as you can see is massive, and will most likely be too big a task for even the most seasoned modder, but if you do wish to create this, tell me in the comments and provide a possible release date so I can check my e-mail for it that day. Also if you do decide to quit mid mod, tell me so I don't get all excited and not get it. Challenge issued modders, do you accept?

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