Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Advancements GALORE! (1.21 Tricky Trials)

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Level 49 : Master Fish
MADE FOR VERSION 1.21 (24w21b and above)

Currently adds 25 new advancements to vanilla. These advancements are a nice addition to the game.
This pack will be updated frequently. If you have a suggestion you'd like added to the pack or something isn't working properly, please let me know.
(The pictures shown are not all the advancements)

Changes to vanilla
This pack also changes 1 vanilla advancement A Balanced Diet. This now includes eating a slice of cake :)

  - Get onto a shipwreck with a parrot on your shoulder and a spyglass in hand
  - Light a Candle with an item enchanted with Fire Aspect
Ancient Dance Moves
  - Play Disc 5 in an Ancient City
Ancient Wonders
  - Discover a Desert Pyramid, Jungle Pyramid, or Ocean Ruin
Bbrrr... Chilly...
  - Freeze in Powder Snow
Creeper? Aw Man...
  - Get hurt by a creeper
Don't Feed the Animals
  - Feed a parrot cookies or give a panda a cake
Don't Hide Behind That Mask
  - Remove a Snow Golems' pumpkin with shears
Hard Work Pays Off
  - Craft a Block of Netherite
Heads Up!
  - Obtain any skull of an Overworld monster
Hide Behind a Mask
  - Look at an Enderman with a Carved Pumpkin on your head
Houston, We Got a Problem...
  - Break your elytra above y=200
I'm the Map
  - Create a waypoint to find your way back
Music Collector
  - Collect and play all music discs
  - Create and try to activate the Aether portal
Redstone Genius?
  - Place a lever on a Piston and activate it
Reviving Atlantis
  - Get the Conduit Power effect
Sharing is Caring
  - Share your food with a villager
Svalbard Seed Vault
  - Plant every crop
Tastin' kinda sus...
  - Eat every kind of suspicious stew
Teenage Minecraft Ninja Turtle
  - Kill a hostile monster below y=0 while wearing a Turtle Helmet
That's Not My Name
  - Name a mob a name mob 1 of the four easter egg names
  - Find and loot a buried treasure
Void Glider
  - Glide below y=-50 with an Elytra in the End
Who's the Piglin Now?
  - Kill a Piglin while looking like one of their own

Known Issues
- Am-bee-ance
advancement does not trigger because lighting a candle with fire aspect item is not possible. Will be fixed in the next update!
CreditCredit to SystemZee for coming up with the 'Houston, We Got a Problem...' advancement
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

10 Update Logs

v2.3.0 : by SmellyFishHead 05/25/2024 2:09:49 pmMay 25th, 2024

  - Changed conditions for Reviving Atlantis. This advancement now triggers when a player gets the conduit power while swimming
  - Changed criteria for Hard Work Pays Off to now trigger when crafting a Block of Netherite instead of triggering when having the block in your inventory
  - Changed Who's the Piglin Now? to not be secret anymore
  - Changed name of Lookin' kina sus... to Tastin' kinda sus...
Changed criteria of Am-bee-ance to trigger when a player lights a candle with the fire aspect enchantment
  - Changed Bbrrr... Chilly... description to match the criteria
  - Changed conditions of Aaaarrgghhh! to now only trigger when holding a spyglass and having a parrot on your shoulder
  - Changed Music Collector to include the new music discs added in 1.21 (Tricky Trials)
  - Changed conditions of Redstone Genius?
  - Removed Cue the Music! (but replaced it with a new similar advancement)
  - Removed Oowww... Red Diamonds?!
Removed advancement tab that shows my downloaded data packs

  - Added 5 NEW enchantments!
    - That's Not My Name
      → Name a mob a name mob 1 of the four easter egg names
    - Only If... [​SECRET]
      → Create and try to activate the Aether portal
    - Svalbard Seed Vault
      → Plant every crop
    - Teenage Minecraft Ninja Turtle
      → Kill a hostile monster below y=0 while wearing a Turtle Helmet
    - Ancient Dance Moves
      → Play Disc 5 in an Ancient City

  - Fixed Houston, We Got a Problem... to trigger at the right criteria again
  - Fixed Ancient Wonders to trigger at the right criteria again
  - Fixed Void Glider to trigger at the right criteria again

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11/15/2024 3:06 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
This is exactly what I was looking for, for more fun minecraft-like advancements. I found this after giving up in finding anything like it. This is absolutely amazing! Also for the right version. Perfect!
06/23/2024 2:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cant do Am-bee-ance as fire aspect cant light candles :(
06/23/2024 6:30 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
Yes, that's bug I haven't fixed yet. They unfortunately removed the fire aspect lighting things feature, but I'm gonna fix readded it to the game in the next update! :)
06/23/2024 2:40 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New Crafter
yeah you can only light candles with fire aspect on bedrock edition we've tried this for a good few minutes and can't seem to figure it out
05/27/2024 7:52 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Goblin Nerd
this is so cool, it makes me want a datapack that has WAY too many annoying advancements, like "walk for the first time", "jump for the first time", "break a block" etc
05/25/2024 5:53 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New Miner
hey i just tried to use it in a new world in 24w21b and it's not working idk what to do :(
05/27/2024 2:36 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
I tested the pack and everything works how it's supposed to :). Maybe reload the pack? Or if you don't have acces to commands, just rejoin your world. Or maybe unzipping the file helps? If you have any more questions, feel free to dm me on planet MC.
05/26/2024 2:36 am
Level 49 : Master Fish
Hey x, that's weird. I'll try and test it when I have time. It's supposed to work.
09/19/2023 5:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is this compatible with Blaze&Caves advancements pack?
09/23/2023 6:12 am
Level 49 : Master Fish
I think so yes. But haven't tested it.
