Minecraft Data Packs / Weapons and Armor

All Stones Tools Datapack for MC 1.14

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Level 44 : Master Miner
The "All Stones Tools" datapack allows the player to craft the basic stone tools out of every stone variant.
If you try to collect cobblestone but only find veins of granite - don't worry. The crafting recipes will stay exactly the same, but you will be able to replace the cobblestone with the following blocks:
All blocks that can be used for crafting

Some examples for the recipes (all combination of the above blocks are possible in the shape all of the tools would be crafted normally):
Example recipe for the pickaxeExample recipe for the sword

Installation Instructions
Download the .zip-file of the desired datapack and save it in .minecraft/saves/*your-worldname*/datapacks/ without unzipping it. *your-worldname* is the folder of the Minecraft world the pack should be installed in.

The world folder can be found by selecting the world (not starting it) and clicking on the "Edit" button on the bottom left corner. There simply choose "Open world folder" to open the folder and paste the datapack into the "datapacks" folder. (Create the folder if there is none.) The datapack should now be enabled when the world gets started.

If this is not the case: If cheats are enabled in the Minecraft world, type /datapack list enabled into the chat box and press ENTER. It should now display a message that contains [file/*name-of-the-pack*.zip] .Otherwise use /reload
Check out my other datapacks!
A list of my datapacks can be found at my GitHub page: https://github.com/manuel-st/mc-datapacks/
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

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10/08/2019 7:43 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
This was a nice game changer to make use of granite, diorite, and andesite during my extensive mining. I strongly recommend for anyone it's as epic as you think it is.
09/10/2019 8:13 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
had to edit the tag cobblestone because it conflicts with the original recipe
great job on the data pack btw i gave you a diamond
09/10/2019 7:38 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
for some reason i can't get it to work i have tried everything i guess i'll have to see what datapack it conflicts with. i know that compressed cobble conflicts with lapis core and tunnel bores
09/09/2019 2:47 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Man, your datapacks are really awesome! Keep up the good work
09/08/2019 9:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I would love an Andesite Toolset, Granite toolset, Diorite toolset, accepting the raw normal stone and the smooth one, using the smooth texture on the tools and sword, since cobble gives you a pick that's a 'stone' texture.
