Minecraft Data Packs / Farming and Food

Villager Counter Datapack for MC 1.14

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Level 44 : Master Miner
This datapack will count the villagers and iron golems that are in a village if the player rings a bell there.

types of villager counted

The datapack will highlight often used villager professions like the librarians and the farmers and will gray out types that cannot be traded with.

It will also count baby villagers seperately.

Since version 2, players will be able to change their settings on how long the scoreboard will be displayed for them by using /trigger vc_settingsin the chat box. Additionally, players that didn't rung a bell or chose to hide the scoreboard will no longer see it when any other player rings a bell.

WARNING: If you use teams yourself or in any other datapack, version 2 WILL BREAK them, use this version instead! If you need to switch from version 2, run/function villager_counter:uninstallfirst.

Download the .zip-file of the desired datapack and save it in .minecraft/saves/*your-worldname*/datapacks/ without unzipping it. *your-worldname* is the folder of the Minecraft world the pack should be installed in.

The world folder can be found by selecting the world (not starting it) and clicking on the "Edit" button on the bottom left corner. There simply choose "Open world folder" to open the folder and paste the datapack into the "datapacks" folder. (Create the folder if there is none.) The datapack should now be enabled when the world gets started.

If this is not the case: If cheats are enabled in the Minecraft world, type /datapack list enabled into the chat box and press ENTER. It should now display a message that contains [file/*name-of-the-pack*.zip] .Otherwise use /reload
To remove the datapack completely, run /function villager_counter:uninstall before removing it from the datapacks folder.

Check out my other datapacks!
A list of my datapacks can be found at my GitHub page: https://github.com/manuel-st/mc-datapacks/
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by manuelst 11/16/2019 11:47:56 amNov 16th, 2019

Added a datapack with the fixes from v2 that is compatible with teams. Use only if you cannot use version 2!

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11/10/2019 10:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Any luck on getting V2 to work with teams?
11/14/2019 12:09 pm
Level 44 : Master Miner
Sadly no. There doesn't seem to be a way to kick a single player out of a single team. It would be possible to throw out everything in the chat box, but I'm not that happy with the spam that would be created.
11/16/2019 11:51 am
Level 44 : Master Miner
There is now a version that fixed some issues from version 1 by dumping everything in the chat box. I recommend still using the version uploaded here as long as you don't need teams. Otherwise use the version from here:

To switch from version 2 to this version, run "/function villager_counter:uninstall" first, then remove the datapack and add the new one. Lastly, run "/reload".
09/20/2019 4:48 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Blacksmith
Is there a way to reduce the time it takes for the list to dissapear? I'm an OP on a server so i could recude the time for myself via the trigger command, but other players cannot use it, so it's takes a long time for it to dissapear to them. I've tried to edit some values in the files so that the effect would be global, but i didn't achieve any noticeable results, is there a specific value i have to edit? [ the trigger command only for for a person that used it, the rest of the players have the default-long time ]
09/21/2019 6:24 am
Level 44 : Master Miner
Are you using version 2? The /trigger commands are especially designed to work vor non-op players.

To set it globally, you can run
/scoreboard players set @a vc_hideboard 400The 400 is the time in ticks the scoreboards will stay up. (400 ticks = 20 seconds. Change it to the value you like.) You can override the complete "settings.mcfunction" file with this line. Players won't be able to change their value any more and will always get this time.

There is a bug that you sometimes have to re-ring the bell after you changed it for changes to take effect and I didn't figure out how to solve it yet.
09/21/2019 8:26 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Blacksmith
Thanks :D i will test that later and see how it works, and yes, i'm using version 2 since no other datapack i use uses the scoreboard mechanics
09/21/2019 11:01 am
Level 44 : Master Miner
That's strange. Non-op should be able to use /trigger. Can you confirm that it doesn't work for them? Because it worked for me when testing it on a local multiplayer without cheats.

And to use scoreboards wouldn't cause any problems for the packs. It's creating teams that would break them.
09/17/2019 9:20 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Blacksmith
Does this datapack summons the list to the player that has used the bell or does this just act upon everyone? I would like to use it on multiplayer but i'm not sure if every player would see parameters of someone's village
09/17/2019 10:28 am
Level 44 : Master Miner
It shows the list of villagers of the person who last rung the bell. So, if two players would use it at the same time, one will be able to see the villager population of the other player.
09/17/2019 11:46 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Blacksmith
I see, this won't be much of a problem for me for average of 5 people on server. Thanks
