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Published Aug 22nd, 2023, 8/22/23 10:40 pm
- 3,849 views, 0 today
- 225 downloads, 0 today
I made this datapack when I was a schoolboy. Yes, it is far from perfect, then I almost did not know how to make them and only studied, but how I am inspired by myself!
I learned on the go and was not afraid to discover something new!
Perhaps he will give someone motivation for their new endeavors.
The datapack adds 4 new crafting boss spawn eggs.
Each boss will need to be called in a certain way (more in the video)
Of the new bosses - air mage, water mage, fire mage and stone mage.
And also minion mobs - an underwater eye and a stone golem
Valuable things and artifacts fall from each magician, each artifact has its own magical abilities.
I can’t list everything, you can see more by downloading the datapack or watching my old video.
I learned on the go and was not afraid to discover something new!
Perhaps he will give someone motivation for their new endeavors.
The datapack adds 4 new crafting boss spawn eggs.
Each boss will need to be called in a certain way (more in the video)
Of the new bosses - air mage, water mage, fire mage and stone mage.
And also minion mobs - an underwater eye and a stone golem
Valuable things and artifacts fall from each magician, each artifact has its own magical abilities.
I can’t list everything, you can see more by downloading the datapack or watching my old video.
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.13 |
to | Minecraft 1.20 |
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Я учился на ходу и не боялся открывать для себя что-то новое!
Возможно, он даст кому-то мотивацию для новых начинаний.
Датапак добавляет 4 новых яйца призыва боссов.
Каждого босса нужно будет вызывать определенным образом (подробнее в видео)
Из новых боссов - маг воздуха, маг воды, маг огня и маг камня.
А еще мобы-миньоны - подводный глаз и каменный голем.
С каждого мага выпадают ценные вещи и артефакты, каждый артефакт обладает своими магическими способностями.
Все перечислить не смогу, больше можно увидеть скачав датапак или посмотрев мое старое видео.