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Required Resource Pack
Aeldrion's Avatar Aeldrion
Level 47 : Master Unicorn
Place custom banners on beds, and change the bed's pillow color with dye

This data pack gives players the ability to use banners on any bed to give it custom patterns. You can also change the pillow color or change the base color by using dye on the bed.

Supported versions are 1.17 to 1.20.1. The current version is for 1.20+, for previous versions see the #banners-on-beds channel on my Discord server:
Aeldrion's Creations Discord server
This is also where I'm the most likely to respond fast if you encounter any issue with the data pack.

How to use

Install the data pack in your world and install the resource pack. Right-click on any bed while holding a banner in your hand. The patterns will be applied to the bed and the color of the bed will be changed to the banner's base color.[​/left]
  • If you are playing in survival mode or in adventure mode, the banner will be taken from your inventory but can be taken back by replacing it with another banner. Renamed banners keep the same name when placed on a bed and taken back.
  • Blank banners can be used to clear the bed of any pattern but cannot be recovered.
  • If you are in creative mode, the same banner can be reused infinitely many times.

Breaking a decorated bed will not drop a banner back (or else I'd be giving you free banners). Just swap with a blank banner if you need your banner back.

You may also right-click a bed with dye to change the pillow color if clicking on the head part, or the base color if clicking on the foot part.

What this pack contains

The data pack contains the technical files used to place banners on beds.
The resource pack contains the models used to display the banner patterns, and a custom sound that is played when a banner is applied onto a bed. If the resource pack is not loaded, all you will see is a plain bed with floating colored leather horse armor, which is not very bannery.

How to uninstall

If you want to remove this data pack from your world or server, make sure there are no beds with banner patterns left, otherwise you will have banner patterns that cannot be removed simply by breaking the bed. To remove all patterns from beds, including those in unloaded chunks, you can run this command as an operator:/function bob:uninstall/main
After a message is sent in chat to confirm the uninstallation, you can safely remove the data pack from your world or server.

TCC compatibility

(This section is only relevant if you play with multiple data packs, including Banners on Beds and the Creeper's Code)
The resource pack for the creeper's code and the resource pack for this data pack both modify the leather horse armor item model. If you play on a world with both resource packs, it will either mess with the custom beds or with custom mob models from TCC. To fix this, follow the instructions below.

  • Open the Banners on Beds resource pack in an archive editor such as WinRar or 7-Zip. Navigate to assets/minecraft/models/item and open leather_horse_armor.json in a code editor.
  • Open the TCC resource pack, navigate to the same path and open the same file.
  • In both versions of this file, you will see a list of overrides. TCC uses overrides with custom model data predicates starting with 330, I use overrides with custom model data predicates starting with 432.
  • Copy everything between the [​square brackets] in the TCC version of the leather_horse_armor.json file.
  • Paste it directly after the opening square bracket in my version of the leather_horse_armor.json file, without replacing existing contents. Add a comma after that.
  • Save the file. Your archive editor might prompt you to update the archive. If it does, proceed.
  • Make sure the Banners on Beds resource pack is above the TCC resource pack in the in-game resource pack list.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.20

6 Update Logs

Pillows, and update to 1.20 : by Aeldrion 07/09/2023 9:55:49 amJul 9th, 2023

The pack has been updated to 1.20, fixing an issue with advancements. Right-click interactions in the previous version no longer worked, so make sure you update to the new version!

A few additions/modifications on this version:
  • You can now use dye to modify the pillow colour or the bed base colour
  • Item displays are now used instead of armour stands, which is less laggy and fixes some visual glitches
  • Translations are a bit better (thanks Elli, Boq, Dieuwt and The Der Discohund from some obscure Discord server). Most of the translations are still done with a translator, so if there's still mistakes please do scream at me

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07/12/2023 9:24 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Programmer
FACS01's Avatar
cool!! *pogs*
07/12/2023 1:33 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Blueberry
Frokieee's Avatar
07/07/2022 6:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
its not working
07/11/2023 8:52 pm
He/Him • Level 12 : Journeyman Waffle
STGamer24's Avatar
to me only work a few Datapacks
01/15/2022 2:57 am
Level 39 : Artisan Explorer
12/29/2021 9:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Noah_Dekka's Avatar
Hey can this mod be updated so you can change the bed base color with dye?

I ask because the liliger banner defaults to white instead of black.
07/09/2023 6:55 pm
Level 47 : Master Unicorn
Aeldrion's Avatar
took me long enough ;p
09/28/2021 10:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
phleeborb's Avatar
how do i apply the banner to the bed? i cant figure it out on my own
09/23/2021 7:53 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
MissWolf's Avatar
This mod is fucking LIT! Also it works with Detailed bunk beds and they look so good together!
07/15/2023 11:29 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc3070790's Avatar
