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Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack

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Level 72 : Legendary Toast

Translated to:

  • Brazillian Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Polish
  • Arabic

More translations will come soon!

- The Omnitrix:
Throw an emerald, a nether star, and an iron block on the ground to get the Season 1 Omnitrix.
  Put the Omnitrix in your off-hand, and in the ninth slot, right-click to cycle through the aliens. When an alien is chosen, shift and right-click to transform.
  When Omnitrix times out (3 minutes), it enters the recharge mode and takes 30 seconds to recharge.
Omnitrix Upgrades:
To Season 2 Omnitrix: Sneak and right-click
in the ninth slot using Upgrade.
To Season 3 Omnitrix: Defeat High Override.
To Season 4 Omnitrix: When you summon the Season 1 Omnitrix, a key is summoned together, but you need the Season 3 Omnitrix to get it. When you have the key, hold it in your main hand and Season 3 Omnitrix in your off-hand and click.

- The Antitrix:
Get it using this command: "/function bentenr:cheats/get_antitrix"

- Aliens:
Omnitrix Aliens:

In the ninth slot, you can sneak and fly.
In the eighth slot, you can use fire blasts by right-clicking.
You can also throw fireballs by sneaking and right-clicking in the eighth slot.
In the seventh slot, you can sneak on fire and absorb it.
When in water, Heatblast will be extinguished, you can reignite by sneaking or standing on fire. When extinguished, he will get slower and weaker
Four Arms
In the ninth slot, you can do a sonic clap, that extinguishes the fire around it and pushes mobs around. If you look down and click, you'll be pushed up.
In the eighth slot, you can do a super jump.
In the seventh slot, you can jump and when you fall, explosion.
Grey Matter
Only in Season 1 and 2 Omnitrix
You jump high, run fast, and you can go through a block of height.
In the ninth slot, you can climb walls.
You're slow and resistant.
When you run, you gain more resistance, walk faster and deal damage on the mobs around.
In the eighth slot, you get faster.
In the ninth slot, you get even faster.

In the ninth and eighth slots, you can run on the water.
Has step assist.
Run around mobs to create a tornado around them.

You can use your electric tail in the seventh slot to shoot a large shock blast, but you need to charge it by running, the faster you run, the faster your tail will be charged.
When your tail is charged it will release particles
Diamondhead has the default Minecraft tools: pickaxe, shovel, axe, hoe, and sword.
Right-click in the ninth slot to change the tool.
The tools are unbreakable.
There is also the "Free Build", which creates fake and unbreakable diamond blocks, they disappear after a while.
Diamondhead can shoot diamond shards in the eighth slot
Can create diamond spikes in nearby mobs by sneaking in the eighth slot.

Diamond shards, spikes, and sword electrocute.
Has an electric blade in the sixth slot, you can charge it by getting shot by lasers, shock blasts, High Override shoots, or lightning bolts
The more charged your electric blade is, the stronger it will be
When your electric blade is charged you can shoot a large shock blast
If your electric blade is charged too much (10), it will lose all its charge and you will get wither
Only in Season 1, 2, and 3 Omnitrix
In the ninth slot, you can fly by sneaking.
In the eighth slot, you can throw a slime blast, that will slow down nearby mobs.

In the seventh slot, you can throw a gas cloud, which when hit the ground, creates a big gas cloud that gives poison and blindness to the nearby mobs.
Stinkfly glows in the dark, but for this, you must use Optifine.
Only in Season 3 Omnitrix
It's fast, strong, and resistant
Can climb in the ninth slot
Can sniff near hostile mobs in the eighth slot.
Only in Season 1 Omnitrix
Right-click while sneaking in the ninth slot to upgrade Omnitrix to the 2 season.
Upgrade can upgrade some blocks and mobs:

Sneak in the ninth slot on top of a dispenser to transform.
In the ninth slot, hold a fire charge, a firework rocket, or an arrow to shoot them.
Sneak in the eighth slot to get back to normal.
Iron Golem
Sneak in the ninth slot near an iron golem to transform.
Strong and resistant.
Click in the ninth slot to shoot an upgraded poppy.
After some time on the ground, the poppy explodes.
Sneak in the eighth slot to get back to normal.

Shock Rock
Only in Season 2 and Season 3 Omnitrix
Strong and resistant.
Shoot shock blasts in the ninth slot.
Force Field by sneaking in the ninth slot.
Has a chainsaw in the eighth slot.

Can throw boomerangs in the seventh slot.
If you transform into him with the 2 season Omnitrix six times, you will be teleported inside the Omnitrix after 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Only in Season 3 Omnitrix
Strong and resistant.
Click in the ninth slot to multiply yourself.
Every time you multiply, you get stronger.
Your clones are actually wolves, so they will attack everyone you attack.
Your clones will die instantly if they get too far from you.
Click in the ninth slot while sneaking to get back to normal.
Only in Season 3 Omnitrix
Strong and resistant
In the ninth slot, you can generate shockwaves with your tail.
In the eighth slot, you can do a super jump.
In the seventh slot, you can roar, which extinguishes the fire around it and pushes mobs around.
Only in Season 1 and 2 Omnitrix
Strong and resistant
Can fly in the ninth slot
Can shoot water blasts in the eighth slot.
In the seventh slot:
Without controlling any water, click while sneaking to absorb water and ice near you
Click without sneaking pointing to water to control it
Click without sneaking while controlling water to launch it
Click while sneaking and controlling water to absorb it, and then you can launch a big water blast
Has water blades in the sixth slot.

Omni-Enhanced Overflow has water cannons in the fifth slot, click to launch a big electrified water blast, click while sneaking to create ice walls or freeze water
In the ninth slot: click to shoot a vine projectile, click while sneaking to shoot a vine that, when touching a block, will take you to the block.
In the eighth slot: click to throw a vine trap, click while sneaking to throw explosive seeds.

Omni-Enhanced Wildvine has the same powers, but they electrocute.
Only in Season 4 Omnitrix
Fast and strong
Breathe underwater
Can fly in the ninth slot
Can shoot neuroshock blasts in the eighth slot

Antitrix Aliens:

Quad Smack
Has the same abilities as Four Arms, but more powerful.
Can also generate shockwaves in the ninth slot by sneaking and right-clicking.
Dark Matter
Can climb in the ninth slot by looking up.
Can shoot Cerebrospinal Blasts in the eighth slot by right-clicking.
Can shoot a cerebrospinal trap in the eighth slot by right-clicking while sneaking.
Can use blades in the seventh slot.
Can use a shield in the seventh slot by sneaking.
Has the same abilities as Diamondhead, but more powerful.
Instead of diamond spikes, Crystalfist can create crystal tentacles in nearby mobs, which also traps them, by sneaking in the eighth slot.
Has the same abilities as Overflow, but more powerful.
Instead of Water Blades, like Overflow, Undertow has Water Whips in the sixth slot. Hold right-click to use them.
Has the same abilities as Rath, but more powerful.
Can run on all fours by sprinting in the ninth slot.
Can block in the eighth slot by sneaking.
Can bite in the seventh slot by right-clicking.
Can roar in the seventh slot by right-clicking while sneaking.

- Bosses:

- High Override:
Summoned by transforming in Shock Rock with Season 2 Omnitrix eight times.
It has 600 hit points (300 hearts).
Every 250 hit points it loses or when a player tries to transform in shock rock using Season 2 Omnitrix, a "Mind Controlled" Shock Rock is summoned.
Shoots a purple shock blast that can pass through blocks.
When defeated, all players using Season 2 Omnitrix will have their Omnitrix updated to Season 3 Omnitrix.

- Omni-Enhanced:
Omni-Enhanced aliens are only available in the Season 2 Omnitrix, they are enhanced versions of normal aliens, are stronger and more resistant and have some electric powers.
Omni-enhanced aliens are disabled by default. To enable or disable, type "/trigger Ben10_config". When "yes" is selected in configuration, when trying to become an alien with season 2 Omnitrix, you have a 40 percent chance to become omni-enhanced.
CreditThanks Dr0chila for the Russian Translation. Thanks MinecraftKnight and itsjustna for the Omnitrix map.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

20 Update Logs

1.8 Beta : by GustavoLank 03/02/2021 11:10:22 amMar 2nd, 2021

  • Added Omni-Kix Humungousaur
  • Added Omni-Kix Diamondhead
  • Added Omni-Naut Jetray
  • Added Shortcuts
  • Added Way Big
  • Added Space
  • Added Omni-Naut Armor so the player can survive in space
  • Added Khoros (with Tetramands and Tetramand's weapons)
  • Added Antitrix (currently with Quad Smack, Dark Matter, Crystalfist, Undertow and Bashmouth)
  • Added Polish translation
  • Added Arabic translation
  • Improved Omntirix Key model
  • You can now remove the Omnitrix Key from the S4 Omnitrix by looking straight down, sneaking and right-cliking.
  • You can also rotate the key by sneaking and right-cliking. When the key is upside down, you can insert it in the Omnitrix again and unlock the Omni-Naut Armor and Shortcuts.

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09/06/2024 12:11 am
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Modder
It’s Nice To See You Back!!!
09/14/2022 4:47 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
it doesnt work
09/08/2022 7:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
it aint allowing me to leave the omnitrix dimension also it spawns me in the void and
and i have to use the antitrix to win against high overdrive

can some one help me please
08/16/2022 2:47 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Multiplayer comtapible?
09/03/2022 11:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
08/24/2022 7:14 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
you posted this a week ago but incase you were still wondering it is at lest from what i could tell from playing with a friend and using it
06/25/2022 2:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
06/21/2022 10:11 am
Level 36 : Artisan Lemon
Can you unban the server?
ben 10 i like anime cartoon ne
06/12/2022 9:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
turn into upgrade and one move says upgrade omnitrix
06/12/2022 7:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey because I don't understand how to get the season 2 omnitrix
