Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

BHv1 (Boosted Hoppers version 1)

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Smokyoatmeal's Avatar Smokyoatmeal
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
How to download:
I've moved all downloads to a unified Mediafire folder to keep things organized.
To download, follow these steps:

. Click the download link above.
. Open the folder for the version of minecraft you wish to install BHv1 onto.
. Download the .ZIP file inside of the desired version's folder.
. (optional) The "Deprecated versions" folder for each version contains previous iterations of BHv1. These are no longer supported, and are not recommended, but they still exist for posterity's sake.
. Drop the downloaded .ZIP into your datapacks folder, and you're good to go!

Faster hoppers, sweet and simple!

As per the request submitted by K1N6-BR, here's a simple yet effective hopper speed modification pack.
It allows you to do exactly as suggested; increase hopper speed!
Boost hoppers by 2x, 4x, and even 8x!

How to use:
-In order to boost a hopper, simply click the top of the desired hopper with a fire charge!
-A hopper can be boosted up to three times, doubling the item speed every time a fire charge is used.
-Breaking the hopper will consume the used fire charges. Use them wisely!

The boosted hoppers are also compatible with ACv4.2.1+.

Just a quick little pack that was thrown together in an afternoon.
If you have any feedback, or find any bugs, please don't hesitate to reach out!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
toMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

Update 1 : by Smokyoatmeal 06/15/2023 9:48:07 pmJun 15th, 2023

Changes made in BHv1 subersion 1:

-Patched flickering interaction entity issue:
  Fixed apparent machine specific bug where the interactable entity would flicker on and off in rapid succession.
  Bug was initially reported by Songar87.
  Debugging process was heavily assisted by rafael1mc who supplied their system for patching purposes.
  Thanks to the both of you!

v1.1 is completely compatible with v1, just drag and drop in the new pack, and the patch will apply itself, thanks!

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04/16/2024 11:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ninjomoe's Avatar
This datapack doesn't work anymore in 1.20.4, i think it may be because of the /tick command. Could you please update it?
01/13/2024 11:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lunavel's Avatar
Can you update this to 1.20.4?
01/11/2024 12:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
6Gammag9's Avatar
Hello!, I don't know why, but it doesn't work in Aternos server, does someone know why that happen?
07/17/2023 6:09 am
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Guris's Avatar
FYI: This works well with KawaMood's Hopper Sorter. Thanks for the great datapack
07/17/2023 9:47 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
Smokyoatmeal's Avatar
Very cool. Not by design, but cool it works.

Bugs could definitely arise between the two packs, now or in future, but nice it works for the time being!
07/06/2023 10:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Canbitone's Avatar
I may be doing something wrong but in my 1.20.1 server the Auto Crafter works great but the boosted hopper appears to have no effect at all. It consumes the fire charges but the hopper doesn't have any changes made to it. Is there something I'm missing? I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling and I make sure to /reload each time.
07/07/2023 12:40 am
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
Smokyoatmeal's Avatar
Weird, alright.

There's no boost to the hoppers at all, or are they just not working with the crafting table?

Do you know what type of server it is you're running? I can try and troubleshoot from there!

Thanks, and sorry for the issues!
07/08/2023 2:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Canbitone's Avatar
Sorry for the slow reply I've been a bit sick. The hoppers in general receive no boost at all unless I am missing something simple. It is just right clicking the entity hitbox of a placed vanilla hopper correct? If so that's what I've been trying and it consumes the fire charge but has no effect. Also my server is a regular 1.20.1 Vanilla Minecraft server that I run through Apex Hosting. Sorry if I'm making some sort of dumb mistake lol. And thanks again for such quick assistance!
07/08/2023 9:13 am
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
Smokyoatmeal's Avatar
Hey no worries, hope you're feeling better!

I did some debugging based on changes I've made in the recent past, and there was an issue with ACv4.3/v4.3.1 wherein if the item frame was put on the top or bottom of the crafting table, boosted hoppers would only work at normal speed.
I've applied a patch for this, and will release it alongside whatever changes I have to make to BHv1 to get it to work.

At this point, BHv1 has had a number of apparently machine specific issues, which is not fantastic. If it keeps having issues, I'm just going to rewrite it to be more robust I think. BHv1 was written in an afternoon so I'm sure there's room for improvements to be made.

But, that aside, let's see if we can get it working for you anyways!
If you click the top of the hopper, does it play a sound and particle?

Does it change what the hopper is named? (Opening the hopper's inventory, is it renamed to something like "Item Hopper [​Boosted x4]")?
If so, can the hopper transfer items faster when used with normal blocks, like chests?

Thanks so much for your time, and sorry for the inconvenience! Hope you feel better soon!
07/09/2023 12:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Canbitone's Avatar
I deleted the last file I had from the 3rd and downloaded the most recent one and it works how it should, Thank you so so much!! I genuinely appreciate your patience and willingness to help out!!
