Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Builder Villagers!

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Predicates
  • 5,249 views, 2 today
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Yatsurask's Avatar Yatsurask
Level 59 : Grandmaster Birb
Mason Villagers build a house at night time sometimes.

I originally wanted to make it so he'd work on it over like 3 days, at various stages of being built... but then I didn't.

Was also gonna make paths going towards other houses so it looks like part of the village... but then I didn't

Also the houses are normally missing a block or 3, He's not very good at his job.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.15
toMinecraft 1.20

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Lentejas Con Marichuelas
08/13/2023 9:18 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Lentejas Con Marichuelas's Avatar
Does it work for 1.19.2? Can any villager build or does he have to have a specific profession? Can my slave villagers build in their cages XD?
08/14/2023 2:12 am
Any/All • Level 59 : Grandmaster Birb
Yatsurask's Avatar
Only the masons build and they need A certain amount of room to be able to do it.
08/07/2023 2:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
INQIZZO-2's Avatar
Is this pack very laggy? Does it have checks every second like some packs do or is it more spaced out?
08/08/2023 10:00 am
Any/All • Level 59 : Grandmaster Birb
Yatsurask's Avatar
Don't recall it being laggy, but I have a decent computer, might be different for lower end stuff.
08/01/2023 2:00 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Ranger
Peppe73's Avatar
Does he build for himself, do I have for other villagers too?
08/01/2023 1:37 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Foxina29's Avatar
this is awsome really awsome it brings so much things to minecraft you can probobly add a gui where choosing what he could build something medival or anything that suits this idea or just your plain but i reccomend working on this datapack more its amazingggg
07/30/2023 8:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Engineer
JackieT's Avatar
following this! seems like its got potential to be really cool!
please work on it more
