Minecraft Data Packs / Farming and Food

Chef's Dream: Immersive Cooking (210+ New Foods)

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Required Resource Pack
Level 32 : Artisan Lemon Chef

Important: This datapack is for 1.21.4. Legacy Versions for 1.20.5-1.21.3 can be found at the end of the description.

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Chef's Dream is an immersive cooking datapack for Minecraft 1.20.5 and up. The datapack focuses on interacting with vanilla blocks to cook foods rather than crafting. You will be able to cook soups using a cauldron, fry foods using a hopper, and more!


Cooking Stations: 10 different cooking stations derived from vanilla blocks. A cauldron will become a cooking pot, and a smoker will become an oven!
New Foods: Over 210 new foods to cook
New Drinks: 37 new drinks to brew
New Fruits and Vegetables: 4 new fruits that drop from trees and 5 new vegetables that drop from grasses and ferns
Immersive Cooking: Put oil in a fryer, cut ham on a preparation board, make a sushi roll, cook meat on a grill, and more!


You will get a starting guide when you first load up the datapack. For more guides, right click with a Cooking Station Maker while standing right in front of a chiseled bookshelf to fill it up with guides and cookbooks. You can get a Cooking Station Maker by loading up the datapack or by using the following command (which works even with cheats disabled):/trigger start_cooking
By shift-right clicking with a Cooking Station Maker right in front of certain blocks, you can turn them into cooking stations. For example, using the Cooking Station Maker on a hopper will turn it into a fryer!

For a more detailed guide, you can visit the wiki on the Chef's Dream Github page. The wiki also contains a cookbook with all recipes listed in alphabetical order.


Download the datapack and the required resource pack. Put the datapack in the 'datapack' folder of your world, and put the resource pack in the 'resourcepack' folder of Minecraft. If you load up the world and you get the advancement "Chef's Dream," you have successfully installed the datapack! (If you install it into an existing world, use the command /reload to load your datapack.)


To update Chef's Dream to the newest version, simply redownload the datapack file and the resource pack file and replace the current files in your minecraft folder.

Legacy Versions

MC 1.20.5 and 1.20.6: Datapack Resourcepack
MC 1.21 and 1.21.1: Link
MC 1.21.2 and 1.21.3: Link


If you would like to report bugs or give suggestions about the datapack, you can join the Chef's Dream discord server here.

Known Issues

A list of known bugs can be found here. Please take a look at the bugs document before reporting a problem - it may be a known issue that will be fixed later. If you find a bug that is not listed, please use the discord, message me, or leave a comment detailing the steps you took that led to the bug so that we can quickly diagnose the issue. Thank you!


If a bug happens or you need to uninstall the pack, you may need to force delete some cooking stations from your world first. The following command will force destroy all cooking stations within a 10 block radius from where it is executed:
/function chefsdream:destroy_stationsFor faster deletion, the following command will destroy all cooking stations in loaded chunks:/function chefsdream:destroy_all_stationsIf you are uninstalling the pack, after all cooking stations are deleted, please delete the datapack from your world's folder.


Datapack created by: YJMinecraft
Resource Pack created by: masterliv531 and YJMinecraft
The resource pack modifies or uses some textures from the Croptopia mod and the Farmer's Delight mod, both under the MIT License.

More Information
You can use this command to get every custom vegetable:
/function chefsdream:give/get_all_veggiesOr this command to get every custom fruit:
/function chefsdream:give/get_all_fruitsOr this command to get every food from barrels:
/function chefsdream:give/get_all_barrel_foods
For a more technical documentation of the datapack code, please look at the documentation on the Github page.
For a list of bugs, please look at the bugs document on the Github page.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20
toMinecraft 1.21

15 Update Logs

Chef's Dream v4.1: Secret Update : by YJMinecraft 12/30/2024 12:54:27 pmDec 30th, 2024

Here is one of the last major updates to Chef's Dream and the last of the year! Happy cooking!
  • Added 10 more foods to the cookbook
    • Added Chicken Nuggets, Beef Wellington, Banana Cream Pie, Fish and Chips, Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Fish Taco, Chili, Garlic Bread, and Mac and Cheese
  • Added secret advancements and two secret recipes. Have fun finding them!
  • Fixed BUG 17, 18, 19

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01/16/2025 10:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The resource pack doesn't work for me :(. It's only compatible with older versions even through the datapack work just fine
01/17/2025 12:38 am
Level 32 : Artisan Lemon Chef
Can you give me a little more detail? I've checked the resourcepack on the download and the version is correct; can you try going into the resourcepack and looking into the "pack.mcmeta" file and confirming that the "pack_format" is 46? (If it's anything less than 46, you likely downloaded an older resourcepack.)
11/18/2024 8:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
11/03/2024 11:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
every time i use the fryer my food gets burned is this a problem in the software or am i doing something wrong
11/03/2024 1:41 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Lemon Chef
Burnt Food is the result if the ingredients in the fryer do not correspond to a valid recipe. Have you tried following one of the cookbooks? If you put in a valid recipe and it still results in the food being burnt, please let me know the steps you took as it may be a bug.
09/20/2024 10:22 am
She/Her • Level 1 : New Crafter
You're so cool <3
08/29/2024 12:37 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Mango's seem to be broken, i cannot seem to use them in any of the stations.
09/01/2024 4:36 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Lemon Chef
This is fixed now!
08/29/2024 2:17 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Lemon Chef
Did you get the mango from using `/function chefsdream:give/get_all_fruits`? If so, it's probably because of BUG 12 here: https://github.com/lemoncodes237/chefs-dream/blob/main/BUGS.md. This will be fixed in the next update! In the meanwhile, try to get the mango from a natural dark oak leaves drop or use this command: `/give @s cookie[custom_data={chefsdream:1,Tags:["mango"]},food={nutrition:2,saturation:4,can_always_eat:1},custom_name='[{"text":"Mango","italic":false}]',custom_model_data=2370204]`
, sorry about the issue!
08/29/2024 5:32 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
ah yes! i did. ill give that a try! Thanks!
