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- check_circle Recipes
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Welcome to ForgeCraft! Have you ever complain about having too little modification on the items? Or just play a lot of survival minecraft and want to modify the game without using any mods? Well, this datapack suits you! This datapack features a Reforge System where you can alter your Weapons, Armor, Tools and Utilities in a different way!
As of right now, there are 71 Unique Reforges for you to discover and use. They all support multiplayer so you don't have to worry about it working inproperly. However, if you found any bugs and problems with the datapack, let me know by commenting here!
Also, Just because of 1.21 Attribute Modifier Update, this datapack doesn't support 1.20.6 or under.
Trailer Video is in progress right now, please be patient!
- Available Forge Options (Some reforges can apply to multiple types):
- 4 [Any] Reforges
- 18 [Armor] Reforges
- 15 [Melee] Reforges
- 12 [Tool] Reforges
- 12 [Ranged] Reforges
Not Going to provide the details here, go find it yourself!
- 3 New Bosses
- 7 Conditional Mobs (Boss Included)
- 33 Reforges with special abilities
- 22 Reforge related Advancements
- Customizable Projectile System (Might Release it seperately in the furture)
- Try not to cheat through the reforge items (I know, some of them are hard to get)
- Please do not put the reforge anvil outside of 1 or 0.5 block height, it may have unintentional behaviour!
- Please read the README from the source file for some extra details
- If you wished to remove mob modification, you can type:
- If you updated this datapack to newer versions, please type:
To view the recipes for new reforges.
- Craft the Reforge Anvil from the crafting table (Recipe shown in recipe book) and place it like a spawn egg. However, it will NOT rotate.
- To put the item to the slot, right click to place and left click to get it back
- To forge the item, click on the symbol 🛠. It will only work if the items are correct and you have enough xp levels
- To get the reforge anvil back, just simply destory the anvil with proper tools, remaining items in the slot will return as a dropped item.
- Skeletons will not always hold a bow, they can now hold a sword or a axe with enchantments (They are deadly...)
- You can get a special reforge from a wandering trader with a low percentage
- Since that the enderman can be ranged, I would not recommend to build the usual enderman farm as the endermite may die from projectile.
- Recommend to have a unbreakable shield as some mobs can quickly destroy your normal shield like a paper
- Some items will have limitation, please read the forge item carefully. (At least bow can work like a charm in left hand due to 'weapon' data is inside the arrow data)
- The advancement will provide guide on spawning the conditional mobs. Getting advancement will also reward with a bit of xp.
- If you accidentally placed down the forge item, don't worry! Although description might be lost, but it can still apply as usual!
[Version V1.4 & After Only!]
Now you can customize the stats of a item!
- The item is vanilla reforged by the Vanilla Item Converter
Getting the Stat Booster Item:
They are obtainable from crafting recipes
List of Available Boosts:
- Max Health
- Armor
- Armor Toughness
- Attack Damage
- Attack Speed
- Attack Knockback
- Block Interaction Range
- Entity Interaction Range
- Burning Time (Reduce)
- Safe Fall Distance
- Gravity (Reduce)
- Knockback Resistance
- Jump Strength
- Block Break Speed
- Scale (Both Reduce & Increase)
- Movement Speed
- Oxygen Bonus
To apply the boost, just do it the same way as forging the item
You can apply various boosts into one item, but the maximum total applies is 10.
Credit | CloudWolf (For accurate entity hit detection) |
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.21 |
Tags |
12 Update Logs
Update V1.4 : by LPMC2 01/08/2025 7:02:29 amJan 8th
- New Customizable Stats Item System (Details are in Description)
- Leaflet now converts armor points into max health
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Due to attribute & recipe got changed in this snapshot (24w33a), if you wanted to use this datapack in that version, you have to download it from curseforge, the alt download method one.
Look for a version called:
Thank you!