Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Hot Air Balloons - Your floating moving Base

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Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart Senpai
Ever wanted floating Hot Air Balloons in your World?

With this pack you can build and fly your own Hot Air Balloons!

All Wood types and 8 Colours supported.
Customize your Basket to your liking.

Hot Air Balloons - Your floating moving Base Minecraft Data Pack

Everything your need to get started can be found in your Advancements in the "Hot Air Balloons" Tab!

Hot Air Balloons - Your floating moving Base Minecraft Data Pack

Hot Air Balloon Manual
Hover over italic text to get more Information.

Hot Air Balloons - Your floating moving Base Minecraft Data Pack

Wools in the same Column will craft the same Balloon:

Baskets can be crafted with every log (must be one type per craft)

I have not run into any issues running this Pack in Singleplayer and over LAN(2 Players) (Both about 2-3 mspt more than standard)
If you have any problems or run into bugs, feel free to report them here or on my Discord in the appropriate channel.

Like and Favourite this shit, become a Balloonist today!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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03/13/2024 4:32 pm
He/They • Level 21 : Expert Explorer Ranger
Not sure if you're still considering looking into this, but I'm having the same issue as the guy below for 1.20.4--trying to hit any of the levers causes a message that reads "not enough space for your basket"/"not enough space for your balloon" (actually it's typoed as 'enougth' but thats's neither here nor there). The crafting and placing went fine, fueling seems to work well, but I can't get into the air. It's a shame, because I adore mods like this!
03/14/2024 3:51 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart Senpai
ty for telling me ^^
Not rly into datapacks atm tbh. And since mojang apparently changed the way nbt works (and one of my wip datapacks only works cause of how nbt works now) im a bit demotivated to do anything with datapacks ^^
01/11/2024 10:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
it seems not working in 1.20.4

1. help manual broken(trigger give me manual normally, but text style codes in this book is not working. so basically unreadable.)

2. crafting air balloon and adding fuel has no problem.

3. moving air balloon has a problem. keep saying "not enough space for your basket/balloon" even placed at flat-open space. while this happening, I got "Liftoff" achievement.

4. controlling air balloon in mid-air not tested. I can't make air balloon fly even once.

tested in 1.20.4 vanilla minecraft + world with only this datapack.
01/12/2024 6:41 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart Senpai
hmm strange, might look into / fix that.
ty for reporting ^^
12/22/2023 11:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Above most of the mobs! Thku
09/09/2023 6:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman uwu
hypixel airship map?
09/05/2023 12:34 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Engineer
I'll be testing this out today, and I'm looking forward to seeing the results!
09/06/2023 1:18 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Engineer
Interesting, I was not expecting the entire balloon to be made of display entities, with the basket being real. The movement is cool, right clicking the levers or the central lightning rod to move, but I found a potential glitch, I made a ring of slabs around the levers so I could crouch under then in a 1.5 block tall space, and be able to see where I was going since it's much higher than the basket itself, but placing blocks at the level of the levers allowed it to go up and anywhere horizontally, it wouldn't allow me to go down, saying there was "no room for my balloon".

As for survival friendliness, I think it would be nice if it gave the recipe for auto-filling in the recipe book (even if the output is a knowledge book, because placing and remembering items can be a pain) I can help you with figuring this out if you want.

This technically gives players access to barrier blocks, but it looks like you have sortof countered any "wither cage" designs by making it so if the basket is damaged then it will break after a bit, so that wards that off.

One possible worry is that this technically creates lightning rods, which aren''t a material used to craft them. Perhaps consider a copper block to craft the basket, instead of an iron one?

As for lag, it looks pretty efficient besides the hundreds of entities used for the balloon, the only lag spikes occurred during moving. and is probably from the block placing and moving blocks as well as all the entities and lighting updates.

All in all, a solid pack, really great!
09/06/2023 2:52 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart Senpai
ty for the feedback!

the blocked balloon is something i havent thought off, but i will fix that with the next update ^^
(its just checking the blocks below the balloon, i can just exclude where the basket is)

Auto filling would be possible ig, will also add that with the next update =)

The balloon is made of like 700 entities, so it might lag ^^ But that is better than moving 400 blocks with clone from what i have tested (since no light updates, etc)

The creation of lightning rods is true, but same goes with wood, levers, trapdoors. sure you can dupe blocks, but I'm banking on that just being too much of a hassle to do ^^ Without a custom crafting table or adding just dimaonds or whatever to make it more expensive I cant rly get the cost close to what its "worth"
I will def think about changing the iron to copper tho, that makes a lot of sense =)
