Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Invisible Item Frames [V2.3.1] - Shear Your Frames Away

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Predicates
  • 78,936 views, 82 today
  • 22,960 downloads, 21 today
The8BitMonkey's Avatar The8BitMonkey
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Ever wished you could get invisible item frames in vanilla Minecraft?
Ever wished you could just take a pair of shears and.....shear them?

Well thanks to this pack you now can!

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- How to use

To make your item frame invisible press shift and right click on an item frame that has an item inside it with a pair of shears, this will make the item frame disappear and damage the shears slightly, a new pair of undamaged shears will turn 20 item frames invisible.

Once an item is removed from the item frame it will reappear and have a "soul" particle to denote that it's an invisible item frame
Once an item is placed back into the frame it will disappear again leaving just the item.

- Rotation Locked

To prevent accidental rotation of items when trying to access chests, barrels, etc, items within invisible item frames will no longer rotate unless you hold shift, this will hopefully help prevent the need to spin items over and over again (suggestion by thefastslasher )

- Make the item frame visible again
To make the item frame no longer a invisible item frame simply break the item frame and place it back down!

- Shear Damage
As the shears receive damage with each use you will find them eventually they will break, the amount you can break changes depending on if they are enchanted with Unbreaking or not

- Enchanted Shears

A new set of unenchanted shears will be able to make 20 Invisible Item Frames, however if you have enchanted them with unbreaking this number will go up...

- Unbreaking Level 1 = 40 Item Frames
- Unbreaking Level 2 = 60 Item Frames
- Unbreaking Level 3 = 80 Item Frames

- Advancements
There is 1 visible advancement and several hidden advancements in this pack that will only appear once you have completed a specific task.

> How to unlock the hidden Advancement if you're too curious, or don't look and leave it as a surprise!
To unlock the Hidden Advancement you need to simply put an item frame inside a Invisible Item Frame

- Disable Advancements Command
If you wish to remove the advancements that my packs add, just simply run the command and they will be disabled for all players:
/function 8bm:advancements_off

If you want to turn them back on in the future use the following command
/function 8bm:advancements_on

- Uninstall Command
You can uninstall 1 of 2 ways
1: During install (or world reload) if you're in Creative you will get a "pack installed" message, if you click [​INFO] there is an uninstall button at the bottom
2: type /function 8bm:uninstall.invisible_itemframes and press enter

- Reset "Advancement Triggers"
If for some reason an item frame doesn't disappear or something else stops working as you feel it's meant to, you can try resetting the "triggers" that are used to do the action in the pack by type /function 8bm:reset this will reset the triggers for players currently in the world and should NOT affect any of your advancements


PaperMC 1.20.2 NOTE:

There is a strange bug in 1.20.2 on PaperMC that is causing the pack to stop working as the raycast stops as soon as it's run, there is no logic as to why but it' put this pack together to fix this issue but please note that if you are using 1.20.4 the bug is not present and will work with the normal version of the pack found in the download link at the top of the page

Link: Invisible Item Frames 2.3.1 - PaperMC Edition - DropBox Download Link

1.19.0 - 1.19.4 NOTE:
1.20.X versions of this DataPack will not work in older version of Minecraft, however you can still download the 1.19 - 1.19.4 Version of the pack from this link: Invisible Item Frames 2.2.1 - DropBox Download Link

1.17.0 - 1.18.2 NOTE:
1.19.X versions of this DataPack will not work in older version of Minecraft, however you can still download the 1.17 - 1.18.2 Version of the pack from this link: Invisible Item Frames 2.1.1 - DropBox Download Link

PaperMC Version: Invisible Item Frames 2.1.0 - DropBox Download Link

Due to a known bug that effects how Entity_type tags are registered after a world restart or the first /reload I have thrown together a version of my DataPack that will work in PaperMC, this pack will receive updates slower then the main version as it's a niche issue but I will do my best to keep it updated until the bug is fixed.

- Bug in question: https://github.com/PaperMC/Paper/issues/7293
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.20

13 Update Logs

Version 2.3.1 - PaperMC : by The8BitMonkey 02/28/2024 5:48:35 pmFeb 28th

- Added a bug fix for people using this on PaperMC 1.20.2 ONLY

If you're using Vanilla MC or PaperMC 1.20.4 then you can use the standard version downloaded via the link at the top of the page

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06/12/2024 11:27 am
He/Him • Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
oceanmallik's Avatar
Hello, I have a question. When is Invisible Item Frames getting updated for 1.20.6?
06/26/2024 2:16 am
She/Her • Level 22 : Expert Unicorn Scribe
notblue's Avatar
Same question, but for 1.21...may we have updates, please? 🙏
06/09/2024 12:37 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mabra_'s Avatar
Doesn't work; the shears loose durability but the framed item just turns.
06/08/2024 6:37 am
He/Him • Level 1 : New Miner
Rulol4's Avatar
I have used this datapack for a while now, and it works really well. However, version 2.3.1 doesn't seem to work on 1.20.6 for me. Do you plan on updating this datapack to 1.20.6?
04/26/2024 5:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5115334G's Avatar
having an issue with fabric 1.20.1 does this datapack work with fabric?? it shows in the advancements but the shearing does not work
04/17/2024 8:32 am
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Engineer Artist
Icecats19's Avatar
good one tho!
03/05/2024 4:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
teknikaLity's Avatar
Installed v2-3-1 on my 1.20.1 server. It gives the advancement, but does not turn the item frame invisible or stop rotations. We are currently using Fabric and a few vanilla+ mods:

Better F3
Chat Signing Hider
Cull Less Leaves
Invisible Item Frames
Lamb Dynamic Lights
Mod Menu
Reeses Sodium Options
Sodium Extra
Tooltip Fix
View Distance Fix
02/10/2024 8:20 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
mirok672's Avatar
The frame is not make invisible in vanilla Minecraft 1.20.4, this is true. At least 50 people will thank you if you fix this :))
02/10/2024 2:41 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
The8BitMonkey's Avatar
Which version of the pack are you using as it's been tested and updated for 1.20.4 and is working fine from all those tests

The latest version is 2.3.1
01/29/2024 9:40 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
MD2a03's Avatar
Trying to use this on an ATM 9 server and everything in the pack works besides actually making the frame invisible. I'm guessing it just has a conflict with something in the modpack? It's made with forge.
