Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Functional Scarecrows - "Run Rabbits Run"

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The8BitMonkey's Avatar The8BitMonkey
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Sick of Rabbits eating your crops but don't want to put up a fence or walls because, well they just don't look all that nice?

Ever wish you could just scare them away?

Well with the help of this data pack you now can!

I originally made this back in 1.12.2 as a 1-Click Command (wow, those where a lot of work) but figured it was about time I updated it to a data pack and added some new features here and there: Original Video

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- How to use

To use the pack rename a carved pumpkin scarecrow (all lowercase) and place it into the head slot of an armor stand, this will produce a scarecrow that will scare away those pesky rabbits (and some skeletons) in a 5x5 radius around the base of the scarecrow!

- Upgrading
You can also upgrade your scarecrows to scare rabbits in a larger area by placing an egg in its hand
This will "hatch" into an "owl" that will scare rabbits in a 7x8 radius around the owl (this feature is not available in Peaceful Mode)

- Breaking
If the scarecrows position is moved at all then it will revert back to it's carved pumpkin form.
Breaking the scarecrow will give you a carved pumpkin back named "Old Scarecrow"

- Advancements
There are 2 visible advancements and several hidden advancement in this data pack.
The main hidden Advancement for this pack is called "Protected Crops", this will be unlocked when you have created enough scarecrows in your world at which point you will receive a trophy!

- Integration
This pack also has advancements that can only be unlocked when used in conduction with my other Data Pack: ForeverBabies

> How to unlock the hidden Advancement if you're too curious, or don't look and leave it as a surprise!
To unlock the Hidden Advancement you need to create 20 scarecrows, at which point you'll get the reward

- Disable Advancements Command
If you wish to remove the advancements that my packs add, just simply run the command and they will be disabled for all players:
/function 8bm:advancements_off

If you want to turn them back on in the future use the following command
/function 8bm:advancements_on

- Uninstall Command
You can uninstall 1 of 2 ways
1: During install (or world reload) if you're in Creative you will get a "pack installed" message, if you click [​INFO] there is an uninstall button at the bottom
2: type /function 8bm:uninstall.functional_scarecrows and press enter

- Reset "Advancement Triggers"
If for some reason a scarecrow doesn't appear or upgrade or something else stops working as you feel it's meant to, you can try resetting the "triggers" that are used to do the action in the pack by type /function 8bm:reset this will reset the triggers for players currently in the world and should NOT affect any of your advancements

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.19

2 Update Logs

Version 2.1.1 : by The8BitMonkey 12/02/2022 3:42:41 pmDec 2nd, 2022

- Rewrote the install code due to a recursive advancement bug

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