Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Invisible Item Frames & Armed Armor Stands

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Level 32 : Artisan Professor
Make Item Frames invisible! Add arms to Armor Stands!

This Datapack adds five commands that enables players (also those who aren't OP'ed) to make any Item Frame invisible, or to add arms to any Armor Stand.
Works with both Item Frames and Glow Item Frames!
Doesn't work beneath 1.21!


  • "/trigger countFrames"
This command counts the amount of both visible and invisible Item Frames within 10 blocks of the player, and marks invisible ones so their placement can be seen.

  • "/trigger doInvis"
This command makes the nearest visible Item Frame within 10 blocks invisible.
You can also use the command like so: "/trigger doInvis set #", where # is the number of Item Frames you want to make invisible.

  • "/trigger revertInvis"

This command is alike to the second one, of course making invisible item frames visible again.
(Same support for "/trigger revertInvis set #")

  • "/trigger doArms"

This command is alike to the second one, of course giving Armor Stands' arms.
(Same support for "/trigger doArms set #")

  • "/trigger revertArms"
This command is alike to the second one, of course removing Armor Stands' arms.
(Same support for "/trigger revertArms set #")

border_color Terms of Use:

- Under no circumstance may you reupload original nor edited versions of my work, nor take credit for my content.

- If you create a collection of datapacks (alike to a modpack), you may include my creations as long as I'm credited.

- All uploads of my content will be on PlanetMinecraft, I can therefore take no responsibility for any other uploads on any other platforms.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Ethastum 12/30/2024 8:09:11 amDec 30th, 2024

  • Updated to Minecraft Version 1.21.4

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03/05/2024 10:12 am
She/Her • Level 13 : Journeyman Archer Princess
this is helpful, Thank you!
