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Required Resource Pack
Adds new cooking mechanics to the game:
-harvest rice from seagrass using a stick
-mill wheat into flour on a stonecutter mill
-cook rice in boiling water (water in a cauldron over a fire)
-crisp custom crafting using just the vanilla crafting table
-zero per-tick drain on a server, so this is a lag-free datapack.
Adds lots of new foods to craft:
Fish Dishes:
-calamari (cook squid in boiling water)
-cram bread
Rice Dishes:
-cooked rice
-chicken sandwich
-fish sandwich
-ham sandwich
-rabbit po' boy
-steak hoagie
Suspicious_Stews from Mushroom Soup:
New Suspicious_Stews
Merged 'Useful Cauldrons' datapack with this one
-harvest rice from seagrass using a stick
-mill wheat into flour on a stonecutter mill
-cook rice in boiling water (water in a cauldron over a fire)
-crisp custom crafting using just the vanilla crafting table
-zero per-tick drain on a server, so this is a lag-free datapack.
Adds lots of new foods to craft:
Fish Dishes:
-calamari (cook squid in boiling water)
-cram bread
Rice Dishes:
-cooked rice
-chicken sandwich
-fish sandwich
-ham sandwich
-rabbit po' boy
-steak hoagie
Suspicious_Stews from Mushroom Soup:
New Suspicious_Stews
Merged 'Useful Cauldrons' datapack with this one
The Useful Cauldrons makes use of the useless cauldron. Sure, you can already do your laundry in the cauldron, or sneak water into the nether... but now you can summon up all kinds of trouble.To begin, tossing anything into the cauldron makes a splash! But get a fire burning under your water-filled cauldron and bring its magical powers to bear. Seriously. You need to have a fire going under your cauldron if you want its magic functions to work. You gotta get it cooking. Jesse Pinkman says of this data pack, "This cook is good, yo." So, when you're cooking, tossing in the right combination of ingredients makes things happen.
players are given a cauldron recipe book the first time they acquire a cauldron
extract enchantments into a book: enchanted item + bottle o' enchanting + book + fermented spider eye
-cauldron full of water: extracts all the enchantments into the book
-cauldron partially full: extracts the last enchantments off the item into the book
identify suspicious stews: sunflower + suspicious stew
refreshed beef: rotten flesh + potion of regeneration + coal block + blue orchid
summon the killer rabbit: potion of harming + nether wart + redstone + one live rabbit
spawn egg: one spawner (needs my silk touch datapack for this) + mundane potion + bonemeal + special
Lastly, hold an egg over the brewing concoction.
*the special item specifies which spawn egg to make, typically related to that mob's drops.
summon player: potion of swiftness + golden boots + beetroot seeds + feather, and the summoned player must be holding onto beetroots.
summon thunder storm: potion of water breathing + lily pad + water bucket + redstone dust.
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.17 |
to | Minecraft 1.18 |
Tags |
3 Update Logs
Update #3 : by GatKong 12/17/2021 3:18:15 pmDec 17th, 2021
-silenced the troubleshooting message for partial and full cauldron
-updated pack_format to 8
-removed unused data/gatkong/advancements/kitchen/cauldron
-removed display from craft tracking advancements
-added lava and magma_block to count as fire under cauldron
-moved gat_throw_item checks to the gatpack
-added poached_egg
-added cooked_pumpkins_seeds
-removed duplicate <if block ~ ~-1 ~ #gatkong:fires> check from cauldron0hot
-removed redundant water_cauldron level checks in cauldron0hot
-removed experience storage (moved to XP Bottler datapack)
-updated gatpack/initiate_recipes
-took away announce_to_chat for the kitchen pack recipes
-silenced the troubleshooting message for partial and full cauldron
-updated pack_format to 8
-removed unused data/gatkong/advancements/kitchen/cauldron
-removed display from craft tracking advancements
-added lava and magma_block to count as fire under cauldron
-moved gat_throw_item checks to the gatpack
-added poached_egg
-added cooked_pumpkins_seeds
-removed duplicate <if block ~ ~-1 ~ #gatkong:fires> check from cauldron0hot
-removed redundant water_cauldron level checks in cauldron0hot
-removed experience storage (moved to XP Bottler datapack)
-updated gatpack/initiate_recipes
-took away announce_to_chat for the kitchen pack recipes
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i noticed that I cannot see any of the textures u have made
i mean, rice is just a red apple etc
must one be using vanilla with no texture pack to be able to use packs like these?