This Data Pack is an entry in the completed Minecraft Magic Event.

Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Learn to cast ( Magic PvP )

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Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
'Learn to cast' is a datapack for the Magic collaborative minecraft event.

This datapack NEEDS the event's framework (you can find it here )

A texture pack related to the event is recommended (An example here )

This datapack is normally compatible with the other datapacks of this event

Add 4 news spells to fight Players or mobs :

- Fatal fall : Applies a deadly Jump Boost to your target ( approximately 11 damage )

- Magic defence : It Gives you 2 yellow hearts for 2 seconds ( Absorption) if you loose HP during this period, you win 6 more yellow hearts for 20 seconds !

- Ice trap : Set a trap. It needs 1.5 second to be ready. If a mob or player is close to the trap, it explodes, inflicting 5 damage and slowness III for 6 seconds ( max 3 traps per player)

- Dark blast : Applies blindness and wither II for 4 seconds ( also forces your target to look behind them for 1 tick)

Use this command to get the spells :
/function bertiecrafter:mpp/items/spawn_chest
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.19

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03/01/2022 12:03 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Thank to the participants and the organisers for this event
