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Noah The Noah's Avatar Noah The Noah
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
DISCONTINUED I don't intend to continue working on this datapack for many reasons but I will probably still make other datapacks.

-Speed Ring-wear in off hand for speed.
-Jump Ring-wear in off hand and sneak for jump boost.
-Anti Gravity Ring-wear in off hand and sneak for slow falling.
-Invisibility Ring-wear in off hand and sneak for night vision and invisibility.
-Strength Ring-wear in off hand for strength.
-Soul Of The Swift-Dropped by the Killer Bunny Mini-Boss.
-Soul Of Leaping-Dropped by the Slime Prince Mini-Boss.
-Soul Of Anti-Gravity-Dropped by the Phantom Lord Mini-Boss.
-Soul Of The Hidden-Dropped by the Hobbit Mini-Boss.
-Soul Of The Strong-Dropped by the Piglin Knight Mini-Boss.
-Tome Of Earth-Creates a wall of dirt in-front of the user. [​cool-down=1/2 sec]
-Tome Of Water-Shoots a beam of water that slows and weakens anything it hits. [​cool-down=5 sec]
-Tome Of Gusts-Boosts the user into the air. [​cool-down=0 sec]
-Tome Of Infernos-Summons a fireball punch it to send in a direction. [​cool-down=1/2 sec]
-Tome Of Light-Shoots a beam of light that when it hits something it summons lightning {if its alive}. [​cool-down=1 sec]
-Tome Of Shadows-Shoots a beam of pure darkness that when it hits something it blinds,slows,weakens that thing but also makes them immune to damage for 1 min {if its alive}. [​cool-down=60 sec]
-Vampiric Blade-Every few hits it heals the user.
-Gungnir- Shoots a beam of light that withers anything that it hits. [​cool-down=1/4 sec]
-Mythril Mail- Is an unbreakable chain mail chest plate that gives the wearer knockback immunity the protection of a Netherite chestplate and protection 10. [​Droped by the Hobbit Mini-Boss]
-Necrorb- Collects souls by killing an entity and uses them to do the following things. [​each kill is 10 souls or SP]
{-Right click while in main hand to summon a wither skeleton with a netherite sword that will not attack anyone who is holding a Necrorb. [​cost=40 SP]
[-Sneak while in main hand to summon a super fast skeleton horse [​cost=20 SP]
-Right click while in off hand to take on the form of a lich making you physically stronger, fall slower, and grants immunity to frozen time caused by Tempus [​cost=100 SP]
-Sneak while in off hand to enter spectator mode for a limited time[​cost=50 SP]}
-Temus- Right click to freeze time in a radius around you [​cool-down= 60 sec]
-Killer Bunny-A super fast super aggressive bunny that drops the Soul Of The Swift.
-Slime Prince-A large slime that jumps very far and fast and drops the Soul Of Leaping.
-Phantom Lord-A large phantom that is immune to fire and drops The Soul Of Anti-Gravity.
-Hobbit-A invisible baby zombie that drops the Mythril Mail and The Soul Of The Hidden.
-Piglin Knight-A piglin brute with netherite armor that drops The Soul Of The Strong.
-Cadmus The Elder-An unfinished boss that can only be summoned by the command /function magicitems:summoncadmus

All of the items including spawn eggs for the mini-bosses can be obtained using the command /function magicitems:giveitems
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.17

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by Noah The Noah 08/12/2020 5:14:23 pmAug 12th, 2020

-Fixed The Download.
-Added Souls that will eventual craft the rings.
-Added Mini-Bosses that drop souls.
-Added the Mythril Mail dropped by the Hobbit Mini-Boss.
-Added another attack to Cadmus

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04/06/2022 10:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
spokeishere575759's Avatar
like how exactly do you activate it to minecraft
Noah The Noah
04/06/2022 7:08 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Noah The Noah's Avatar
Well this datapack only works in 1.16.4 also if you but it in the datapack folder then there is nothing else you have to do for the datapack to work.
The ExiIed FeIIow
12/05/2021 11:27 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Imposter
The ExiIed FeIIow's Avatar
At this point, I can definitely sense nostalgia from anything I had not revisited for a year or two.
01/25/2021 4:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DGBoiiiii's Avatar
Hey, is there a word file or something in game that will help me find/make the items?
Noah The Noah
01/26/2021 10:29 am
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Noah The Noah's Avatar
If you type /function magicitems:giveitems then you will get every item a real way to get the items is coming at some point its just taking forever.
12/05/2020 9:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3326519G's Avatar
im in 1.16.3 but it isnt working
Noah The Noah
12/05/2020 6:11 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Noah The Noah's Avatar
All of the pack or just parts of it?
10/06/2020 9:47 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
Tarruvi's Avatar
I like the tomes and weapons with added effects.
The Tome of Earth is pretty fun, and I can imagine a few scenarios in pvp that it would be a key
item to escape. With the Tome of Infernos being the possible counter, as it summons in fireballs
you can use to knock the opponent off their dirt pillars.

At the moment, it seems the Necrorb does nothing other than shoot a blue beam, and the
Strength Ring has the same problem.

Another thing, is the Invisibility Ring's effect set to 1 is a short duration.
That causes the Night Vision to Flicker in quick succession.
I would guess it's for the ring to stop working after crouching,
but the effect lasting 15 seconds gets rid of the strobing skies.

This pack has great potential.
And, I'm excited for any new development to this pack.

At first I was skeptical, thinking there was gonna be a lot "broken".
But, I was surprised this pack was a lot of fun and introduces some new possibilities for the
game. Especially magic, the game needs more magic!
Noah The Noah
10/06/2020 1:06 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Noah The Noah's Avatar
OK, so I think the problem with the Necrorb is that you need to kill many entity's for it to be able to do any thing it is stated in more detail in the description of the data pack which I will copy below.
But please note that the Necrorb is still in the balancing stage of development and will be changed in the future.

-Necrorb- Collects souls by killing an entity and uses them to do the following things. [​each kill is 10 souls or SP]
{-Right click while in main hand to summon a wither skeleton with a netherite sword that will not attack anyone who is holding a Necrorb. [​cost=40 SP]
[-Sneak while in main hand to summon a super fast skeleton horse [​cost=20 SP]
-Right click while in off hand to take on the form of a lich making you physically stronger, fall slower, and grants immunity to frozen time caused by Tempus [​cost=100 SP]
-Sneak while in off hand to enter spectator mode for a limited time[​cost=50 SP]}
Noah The Noah
10/06/2020 12:36 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Noah The Noah's Avatar
I literally just added the tome of earth to counter the tome of infernos so I am glad that someone noticed it.
As for the strength ring and Necrorb being broken I am working on a fix.
Thank you for feedback.
