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The_Sky_Rider's Avatar The_Sky_Rider
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
Built this in my spare time, so me and my brothers can play Manhunt, Simple Manhunt data pack with superior compass, It will track the Runner's position, and if he goes to a different dimension, don't panic, Unlike the normal /setworldspawn method, this one will track the portal he entered, When you enter the dimension, it will continue tracking the runner, allowing you to pursue the Runner across dimensions, The recipe is the same, 4 iron around a single Redstone,

Also removes advancements, recipes and XP that you earned the last game, and spreads the Runner's position (Hunters are nearby), when you start, allowing you to replay in the same world multiple times (World spawn is where the runner spawned)

Also compatible with kyleongs AIhunter datapack

Plans includes:

  • A compass the Runer can craft to point him towards the nearest Hunter (So he can run in the other direction),
  • Special crafting recipes the Runner can employ to create traps,
  • Variant gamemodes
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.19

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08/21/2024 4:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jaxlshepp's Avatar
what version?
08/25/2024 2:42 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Sky_Rider's Avatar
06/23/2023 1:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
johnnyapollis's Avatar
the "begin?" sign doesnt work
09/22/2022 9:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
theblackdeathboy's Avatar
umm make sure the box it puts you in works me and my friend had trouble trying to get the begin thing work i suggest the use of command blocks
09/23/2022 4:49 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Sky_Rider's Avatar
I avoid using command blocks because they are slow, And inefficient. Though when you were trying to begin, you guys were on different teams right. Also, I should probably mention, the begin function can get pretty slow sometimes, It's spreading the players over a massive area, so it has to load all the chunks around the end points,

I have "tested" (the quotations is because I was actually using the datapack with my brothers) the start multiple times, so it's probably not there, I am assuming you were using it in the listed versions?

I will update this, I'm just finishing a different datapack first
09/14/2022 1:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rolnik's Avatar
doesnt work
09/15/2022 5:23 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Sky_Rider's Avatar
How so?

What's not working?

sometimes you need to manually enable datapacks when you add them to an already created world (With /datapack enable <datapack>. Tho this shouldn't be necessary if the world was created with the datapack already added to the world)
09/02/2022 9:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Pulsarwastaken's Avatar
What are the commands?
09/05/2022 2:37 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Sky_Rider's Avatar
There is none, Fully automated, However, due to something I haven't found the lobby doesn't generate

When that happens run /function man_hunt:has_not_loaded (Warning, it's best to go into Creative mode when you do this, It will kill you via fall damage)

You can also end the game early by running either:

/function man_hunt:runner_won or

/function man_hunt:hunter_won

Those are the win functions
08/30/2022 4:57 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Uyatooooo's Avatar
Nice Datapack, I have fun with my friend ^^
