Minecraft Data Packs / Server Utility

Mr_ChibisMMO Loot Tables 1.21

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    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer

    Mr_Chibi's MMO Loot

    Addon to Mr_Chibi'sMMO datapack. Works great with single player & Multiplayer Friendly! Players can obtain custom loot or auto generated blocks.

    You can create your own custom loot tables without having to code them in via game files and data can be saved using Copy command.

    What Unique Features does pack offer?

    • Respawnable [​Chests/Barrel] Loot that admins can "create", "modify", "copy", "paste", & "remove".
    • Respawnable Blocks list that is programmed into datapack that can be used for skills that auto respawn.

    Getting Started!

    typing following command to access Admin commands: /team join mmo_admin
    Exit admin mode do following: /team leave @s
    • For more additional information visit this [​page].

    Setting Respawning Blocks Commands:

    For block auto respawn list please refer to this [​page] for more information.
    • /trigger mmo_respawn_block - Respawns Block player is looking using auto respawn block list.

    Setting Respawning Loot Commands:

    • /trigger mmo_respawn_loot - Places respawnable loot table in a barrel/chest.

    Setting Cooldowns Commands:

    • /trigger mmo_respawn_cooldown set [​value] - Respawns [​Chest/Barrel, & Blocks] after certain amount of ticks set.

    Copy, Paste, & Removal Commands:

    • mmo_respawn_copy - Copies block data and puts on piece of paper.
    • mmo_respawn_paste - When player holding paper in main hand and toggles command looking at block will update data after block is broken.
    • mmo_respawn_remove - Removes Respawnable Loot/Block.

    Pack Requirements:

    • Mr_Chibi'sMMO Datapack Installed

    How it was written in:

    • Json
    • Mcfunction
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

    6 Update Logs

    Pack update 1.21 : by Mr_Chibi 06/18/2024 4:05:16 pmJun 18th, 2024

    Technical Changes

    • Supports version 1.21

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    10/25/2023 4:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hey, recently tried to add the MMO Loot Pack, I also have the main data pack, when I was trying it on my single player world it would th be successfully installed, however I could never use any of the lootbox commands such as /trigger mmo_lootbox. Unsure what the problem is, tried uninstalling and reinstalling. My account is also on the mmo_admin team so unsure as to the issue.
    11/02/2023 12:20 am
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
    Update Loot & MMO datapacks, just dropped a patch to fix both issues.

    Please enjoy the new updates! Sorry, for long awaiting patches!
    10/25/2023 5:31 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
    Let me see what's goin on
    11/07/2022 11:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    was just wondering how you spawn the loot boxes with items in it or even to set your own items in the barrels to keep spawning :)
    11/07/2022 11:16 pm
    Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
    Regarding this question: "set your own items in the barrels to keep spawning? :)"

    I have a loot_table file in the datapack located in: "data/mmo_loot/loot_tables/items/lootboxes.json"
    You can edit the files contents to you can have items spawn in randomly.

    Regarding this question: "how you spawn the loot boxes?"

    1. /team join mmo_admin
    2. /trigger mmo_lootbox set 2 (Spawns in it in give a min)
    3. /trigger mmo_lootbox set 3 (Removes Lootbox (Stand ontop the block to remove)

    Respawnable Ores & Logs:

    • /trigger mmo_blocks - (Standing ontop certain blocks such as, "Ores" and "logs") with glow green particles.
    • /trigger mmo_blocks set 2 (Stand on top to remove respawnable block)
    11/08/2022 12:24 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    thank you for the help!
    noticing that the loot box keeps respawning even when the command /trigger mmo_lootbox set 3 is done on top of the barrel too
    but ill keep trying, thank you again :)
