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Level 38 : Artisan System
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🪄 Portal Lock 🔒

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Ever felt as if the end portal isn't just hard enough to complete? Well, that's what we were thinking while making the Portal Lock. Portal lock offers you a unique experience while completing an end portal. So, how does it work? Well, let me explain.

⚙️ How does it work? 💫

With Portal Lock installed, every portal in the world will automatically be loaded with random items when you visit the room for the first time. You won't be able to activate the portal until all the items are filled. To fill an item, simply drop the correct item on the portal frame, and it should do the trick. Of course, once all the items are loaded, you can jump straight into that end portal!

💡 Check out the Gallery page to see how an End Portal with all the items being unfilled looks!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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02/16/2024 6:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
How to you replace items with other items if you want it to be more challenging? I tried and it didn't work. Manchick
12/30/2023 6:29 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Cookie
Are the items based on seeds? If not , you should make it so
12/18/2023 11:59 am
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
sooo does that mean I don't need eyes of ender anymore?
12/18/2023 12:12 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan System
Nope, once a frame is filled you still need to put an eye of ender in there
12/07/2023 9:52 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Never seen something like this before but it seems like a fun challenge thanks!!!
