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Required Resource Pack
Level 41 : Master Slime Tamer

  -Drink potions/water before your water meter reaches zero, or there will be deadly consequences

-Plow Animals
  -Having an iron hoe in your inventory automatically tills dirt under you while riding an animal

-Pig Speed
  -Right clicking while holding a carrot on a stick on a pig will cause the pig to stop. Subsequent clicks will cause pig to walk faster

-Healing Campfires
  -Throwing glowstone and sugar into a campfire give you regeneration for a short time

  -11 craftable hard drinks with varying effects (Watch my video)

-Leveled Health
  -For every 5 levels of XP collected, 1 heart is permanently awarded until death

  -This pack adds 170+ crafting recipes for previously uncraftable items

-Real Netherite
  -Changes Netherite textures to include gold and diamonds
  -Gives fire resistance buff for wearing a full suit of Netherite armor
  -All Netherite tools/armor are automatically unbreakable

-Rideable Ravagers
  -Ravagers automatically have a minecart on their back
  -Once mounted, Ravagers become friendly
  -Hold a Villager on a Stick to control them the same as a pig

-Villager on a stick
  -Craft an Ocelot egg and hold it to get a Villager on a Stick
  -Custom Texture
  -Spawns immortal villager that dies once stick is unselected
  -Keeps villager 4 blocks away
  -Needed to control a Rideable Ravager

  -For every hundred zombies you kill a giant will appear above you
  -Currently Bugged/Unfinished (Giant does not deal damage) :/

-Loot Tables
  -Changes loot tables to be more realistic (Ex. Shulkers drop 2 shells, rabbits drop 4 feet, chickens drop 1 piece of chicken, etc.)

-Crouch with slot 9 of hot bar selected to go prone

-Invisible item frames
-Throw an amethyst shard at an item frame to turn the frame invisible

Download my other pack, Elemental Magic, for access to the Excalibur feature shown on the video!>
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

12 Update Logs

Update 12 : by Codiac555 11/05/2023 10:17:37 amNov 5th, 2023

so much stuff
just read the book I gave you

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11/08/2023 4:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
we cannot see the thirst bar ...
11/24/2023 9:04 pm
Level 41 : Master Slime Tamer
Are you in regular survival mode?
There has been a slight problem with the score not appearing you can fix it with the command
/scoreboard players set @s thirst 100
04/06/2023 7:37 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Hunter Demolitionist
0 Data Stars
11/23/2022 7:32 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
codiac, you could get the giant to deal damage by putting an invisible zombie riding it or inside of the giant that you can't see. I remember seeing this in a datapack i really liked so i think you could pull it off.
11/24/2022 2:22 pm
Level 41 : Master Slime Tamer
There is a zombie currently inside of the giant, however no damage seems to be dealt
Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll keep troubleshooting
11/24/2022 11:37 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
the datapack was michael9r9r's rpg loot which a boss he implemented was a giant that can attack you and i think he did it similar to the way MutantPizzaDude said but im not sure. You could ask him but im guessing he wouldn't respond as he rarely updates the datapack though it's very cool imo.
11/24/2022 11:18 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
I think maybe you could make it so when the giant gets close, it starts dealing damage? Or maybe watch the Mysticat video of how he pulled it off and get some ideas. Or just put this link: Add Giants Back to Minecraft Minecraft Data Pack (planetminecraft.com) in the description and tell people to use it for optimal experience.
