Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Recycling & Missing Vanilla Recipes

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Level 42 : Master Blockhead
iPlayaBlockhead - Recycling & Missing Vanilla Recipes - Minecraft v1.14.4

Named: Recycling & Missing Vanilla Recipes
Build By: KreatorB of iPlayaBlockhead

Minecraft Version: 1.14.4 - No Mods!

Datapack Notes:This Datapack which was made for the iPlayablockhead SubServer, the idea was to remove other Datapacks and streamline the server help while being ECO friendly! The general Idea is to keep hording to a minimum by recycling un-wanted or needed items as well as adding recipes that we on the SubServer felt have been missing.

If you use the iPlay DataPack and think something needs to be tweaked or added, just message me as I am always open to ideas.
List Recyclables and Recipes below!

Find DataPack Recipes Here - Work In Progress

Thank you Once again

Credits: iPlayablockhead SubServer Supporters

Recycling Items:

All Anvils - All Armors
Boats - buckets - bricks
buttons - carpets - cauldron
clay - Doors - Sandstones
Flower Pot - Furnace
Glass Pane - Glowstone
Iron Bars - Ladders - Melon
Minecart - Nether Brick
Presuure Plates - Polished Blocks
Slabs - Stairs
Walls - Snowball - Shears
Trapdoors - Wool

Recipes Added:

Bell - Blaze Rod
Chainmail - Cobweb - Corals
Deadbush (berries & leaves)
Elytra - Grass Block
Horse Armor - Flesh to Leather
LilyPads - Magma Block
Mushroom Stem Block
Mushroom Red Block
Mushroom Brown Block
Mycelium Block - Nametag
Nethere Wart Block
Obsidian - Podzol Blocks
Saddle - Snow Block
SoulSand - Sponge
Saplings to Sticks - Trident
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by KreatorB 08/17/2019 9:26:19 amAug 17th, 2019

Recycling & Missing Vanilla Recipes

Version 1.07

Recycling Tweaks:
All Sandstone may be Recycled back
Sticks to Planks
Trapdoor Tweak

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08/27/2019 4:06 am
Level 30 : Artisan Taco
So cool! But i feel like a lot of things like elytras don't have crafting recipes because they are meant to be rare and being able to craft them seems a bit OP... just my opinion.
08/27/2019 5:11 pm
Level 42 : Master Blockhead
Point well taken, so you can always remove the recipe for the wings from the package and it;ll still run. Just open the zip with something like zip7 and navigate to the recipes, delete the wings and then re save the zip and bang!!! GOOD TO GO.. ;-)
08/29/2019 6:56 am
Level 30 : Artisan Taco
Got it thx👍👌
08/27/2019 3:44 am
Level 38 : Artisan Loremaster
08/27/2019 5:10 pm
Level 42 : Master Blockhead
thanks - just having fun and playing around!
08/20/2019 12:36 pm
He/They • Level 55 : Grandmaster Dog Warrior
Wow thats pretty helpful and actually uses iron nuggets so good job! :P But being able to crafting grass blocks is op
08/20/2019 3:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Blockhead
LOL, you can always remove that recipe if you like just go into the zip all the way to the recipes and remove grass block.. Save zip and reinstall

Thanks for the Feed back, I am still working on the recipes so more OP stuff to come!
08/19/2019 4:41 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
I cant use it, i use optifine 1.14.2 and it says "This resource pack version is outdated" Plz help
08/19/2019 5:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Blockhead
The mod pack is for 1.14.x all you have to do is go into your saved game folder find the world you want to use it in and place the zip file in the datapack folder in the world. If the game is not started start it and type /reload to reload all datapacks. Once there you can type /datapack list to see the active packs. As for Optifine it has nothing to do with the datapack. ;-)
