Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Spawner Infinity v1.0.0 - 1.14+

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Eglaios's Avatar Eglaios
Level 46 : Master Miner
Once I finished my pack Enchantment Infinity v1.1.0 : lapis update, I was thinking about adding a better way to get XP. Finally, it's not as Enchantment Infinity v1.2.0, but as Spawner Infinity v1.0.0 that I release this update.

What is Spawner Infinity?
Spawner infinity is a survival-improving datapack which adds two systems to the game : The ability to break spawners and a chance of looting eggs from each single creature type that can be used to set the spawner's type!

However, in order to obtain these precious eggs, there're 2 rules : The entity has to be killed by a player and it could not drop if it came from a spawner!

Picking up spawners
In order to pick up spawners, you only have to break them with a silk touch pickaxe. Do not use the wrong pick or you will never see the spawner again!

Spawner Infinity v1.0.0 - 1.14+ Minecraft Data Pack

Spawner Infinity v1.0.0 - 1.14+ Minecraft Data Pack

Once you will have broken the spawner with a silk touch pickaxe, it will drop as a Broken spawner. You could place it, but it won't spawn anything.

Spawner Infinity v1.0.0 - 1.14+ Minecraft Data Pack

In order to activate the broken spawner, you will have to search for some eggs (see bellow). Once you found the egg you were searching for, simply right-click on the spawner while holding it and the spawner type will be set as the egg's.
Be sure that you are doing the right thing; once you used the egg, you could not get it back (for now...), and breaking the modified spawner would still drop a Broken spawner.

Finally, entities spawned from spawners could not drop their egg when killed.

Obtaining eggs
Finding some spawners is important, but you will also need to find eggs : they can be looted from every creature and using them on spawners causes their type to change as the egg used on them.

Each time a player kills any creature, there is a 2.5% chance that the creature will drop an egg of its type. Each looting level adds 1% chance of making it drop.
In order to be able of looting an egg, the killed entity must not come from a spawner and it must be killed by a player. Otherwise, its egg-drop chance will be at 0%.

If you believe there's an entity which doesn't drop its egg, kill one of them with this sword :
/give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:looting",lvl:100},{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:10000}]}
If the entity doesn't drop its egg even if killed with this, please tell me about that (ensure the entity have not been spawned by a spawner to avoid fake alerts)

Featuring in the next update :
-A way to extract eggs from spawners
-A way to upgrade the spawners' stats

Stay aware! It's only the beginning!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

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06/12/2019 8:57 pm
Level 46 : Master Miner
Eglaios's Avatar
I am truly sorry, but I decided to stop working on this datapack; mostly because I'm thinking about another project.

Also, there's already a silkspawner datapack quite popular, here's the link :

However, this one has not the egg-drop loot tables, you could copy the system from my pack as well
05/30/2019 4:28 pm
Level 46 : Master Miner
Eglaios's Avatar
Thank you so much! I'll include all of this in the next update!
06/01/2019 12:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SmileWhenISleep's Avatar
Another think i noticed is that it isnt possible to mine spawner in worlds that ive palyed.
I could only make it work when i play a new world and add the Datapack before i start running around
06/12/2019 8:58 pm
Level 46 : Master Miner
Eglaios's Avatar
You might have to type /reload or activate the pack by /datapack enable [pack_name]
05/30/2019 8:30 amhistory
Level 1 : New Miner
SmileWhenISleep's Avatar
ive tested this datapack and i love it but:

- i dont get any drops from creepers anymore
  Edit: I watched through the Creeper.json file and figured it out
    Open the File and go to Row 54. and add _spawn_egg at the end:
    ( "name": "minecraft:creeper_spawn_egg",)
-there is no egg dropping from pillagers
  Edit: fixed it by copying the bat file and change the bat_spawn_egg to pillager
    dont forget to change the name in row 13 to Pillager aswell otherwise it will
    descripe it as a Bat Egg

-mobs spawning from once Broken Spawners without weapons
  (pillager dont even attack, skellis run into you like zombies, vindicators dont have an axe, vex without   sword and so on im almost sure zombies and so forth wount spawn with a weapon or armor)
it seems like the spawning without weapons thing is a general one that comes with getting this datapack installed wasnt able to fix this so far
07/15/2019 12:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iscjavier's Avatar
I fugured out a way to fix the broken spawner problem (no equips).

1- In the file "silk_spawner/functions/silk_spawner/mined_spawner.mcfunction" search these 2 text pieces and REMOVE them (include the commas):
  • ,SpawnData:{id:"empty",Tags:["Spawned"]}
  • ,SpawnPotentials:[{Entity:{id:"empty",Tags:["Spawned"]},Weight:1}]

2- In file "silk_spawner/functions/main.mcfunction" REMOVE all 3rd line (or comment it adding 3 hash symbols(#) at the start of the line:
  • execute as @a[scores={PlaceSpawner=1..}] at @s run function silk_spawner:silk_spawner/placed_spawner

3- In file "silk_spawner/functions/load.mcfunction" REMOVE all 4th line (or comment it adding 3 hash symbols(#) at the start of the line:
  • scoreboard objectives add PlaceSpawner minecraft.used:minecraft.spawner

4- Detele file ("silk_spawner/functions/silk_spawner/mined_spawner.mcfunction"

Explanation of this fix:

Basically this mod was overriding the tags of the mobs (these tags have the information for additional loot and equipment such as pillagers xbows and vindicators axes).

Spawners BlockEntities SpawnData and SpawnPotential are the ones overriding the mobs tags because a "spawned" text tag was added for no functional reasons.


Function mined_spawner.mcfunction can be totally removed, it runs every tick to check if a spawner was places then does a bunch of replacing to just print "spawner placed" which IMO it just causes lag (it barely adds any lag but if you are using tons of mods/datapack every little helps).
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