Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Spooky Scary Thunderstorms

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    Level 22 : Expert Procrastinator Sheep
    I was once told Thunderstorms are like Minecraft's version of Blood Moons, so I made them scarier!

    This Datapack adds 2 core mechanics related to Thunderstorms, the ability for Creepers to spawn as "targets" for lightning bolts, and the ability to use Ominous Bottles at World Build Height to conjure Thunderstorms!(in certain circumtances)

    More Information
    Target Creepers: Creepers have a 15% chance to spawn as targets
    - Target Creepers will at some point be hit by a lightning bolt
    - Technically speaking, every 1 second they have a 5% chance of being hit by a lightning bolt
    - Once they are charged Creepers, they are no longer targets

    Conjuring Thunderstorms: Drinking a Ominous Bottle at World Build Height can trigger thunderstorms
    - The higher the Level of the Ominous Bottle effect, the higher the change for success
    - Every Level adds 20% chance of success on getting a Thunderstorm
    - "Failing" means that it will begin to rain instead of a thunderstorm occuring
    - Additionally, drinking any Level Ominous Bottle while it is already raining guarrantes a thunderstorm
    - That means that, worse case scenario, you will have to drink 2 Ominous Bottles to get a thunderstorm
    CreditTwizinho and Walls for the pack Icon
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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