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PizzaBombz's Avatar PizzaBombz
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
This datapack will drop a barrel from the sky every few minutes near a player with OK loot.

After 90 minutes, a barrel at 0, 0 with better loot will drop!

You can choose how long it takes for a supply crate to drop with

/scoreboard players set mid time {ticks}
/scoreboard players set players time {ticks}

WARNING: If you are using this on a server, you may find tons of lootboxes scattered around and a tall tower of lootboxes at 0, 0, which can be pretty fun sometimes.

- - - Modifications and Media - - -
- Feel free to modify as you wish
- You may not publicly upload the modified datapack
- It must be clearly stated that it is a modified version
- You may post this on any media
- Links and credit must be provided
- If using a modified datapack, it must be stated
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.17

2 Update Logs

Bug fixing update : by PizzaBombz 08/10/2021 10:59:42 amAug 10th, 2021

Added a description
Makes it so you do not have to unzip the datapack for it to work

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Realistc pbr
11/30/2021 4:21 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Realistc pbr's Avatar
I love this datapack:) thx for making this
Can you also add that the loot boxes also have a texture?
And also change the name of the loot box from barrel to loot box

But other than that, I love this data pack!
01/14/2022 1:20 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
PizzaBombz's Avatar
If I ever learn to make custom textures and need to update it again then yes! I have a really big project going on right now though, so I don't know when I will be able to update it.
08/01/2021 6:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KnoXyCuzZ's Avatar
how do this work the command dont work and I have tryed this dataoack from 2 people now they dont work
08/01/2021 11:46 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
PizzaBombz's Avatar
Firstly, make sure that the datapack is inserted properly. To do that, type /datapack list. It should show the lootbox datapack in the list, if not it wasn't put in properly.

Next, just wait a little bit. Lootboxes don't appear that often unless you make them. They appear about every 4 minutes for one to spawn near a player, or 90 minutes for the middle lootbox.
08/02/2021 8:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KnoXyCuzZ's Avatar
i have done it like all tutorials but it dont come in game when I type datapacks list but its in datapacks files
08/02/2021 7:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KnoXyCuzZ's Avatar
it dont show up but I put in the datapacks folder on the server like everyother pack, do I need to do it a other way
08/02/2021 10:07 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
PizzaBombz's Avatar
Generally it should be the same way, but if you are using it on a server it can still work.

Firstly, what server hosting are you using? Mc prohosting, Shockbyte, etc.

Secondly, make sure that the world on the server is actually the same world that you put the datapack into. Servers can store multiple worlds, but only have 1 active.
08/02/2021 10:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KnoXyCuzZ's Avatar
I use the minecraft.net 1 the realm and yes I take it in the newest server then add it to the realm but even if I try it on singelplayer it dosnot work
08/02/2021 10:32 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
PizzaBombz's Avatar
Do you unzip the datapack?
07/07/2021 12:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SailorToad's Avatar
how can you change where it lands?
07/07/2021 11:50 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
PizzaBombz's Avatar
Currently there isn't a way that is coded in the datapack itself where you can change where it lands, so I'll try to code that.

I can walk you through here how to edit the text itself in the datapack though to edit where it will land.

Editing the mid chest:

Go to lootboxes > data > boxloot > functions > loop.mcfunction
In that loop.mcfunction open it as a text file. Then where it says "execute if score mid timerdrop >= mid time run summon falling_block 0 265 0 {BlockState:{Name:"minecraft:barrel"},TileEntityData:{LootTable:"boxloot:blocks/midchest",Items:[{Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:chest",Count:1b}]},NoGravity:0b,Glowing:0b,Time:1,Motion:[0.0,0.001,0.0]}" just change the "0 265 0" (the part bolded above) to "x 265 y" x being your x axis, y being your y.

Editing the player chest:

Player chests spawn randomly within a certain range around a player, so you can change the range it spawns.

Go to lootboxes > data > boxloot > functions > playerdrop.mcfunction
In that playerdrop.mcfunction open it as a text file. Then where it says "spreadplayers ~ ~ 1 75 false @e[type=arrow,tag=playerchest]" change the 75 (bolded above) to the max diamater you want the box to spawn from a player
