Minecraft Data Packs / Item

Teleport Pearl & Wand

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Level 66 : High Grandmaster Professor
In this data pack, I add some items make you teleport to the position you want
  1. tp back pearl
  2. tp player pearl
  3. tp back wand
  4. tp player wand
Recipes are on the image gallery.

tp back pearl
make you teleport to the position you set.
how to set ?
it's easy, just hold the unrecorded tp back pearl and right click, it will record your current position and dimension.
If you hold recorded one and right click it, it will teleport you to the position you set, you need in the dimension you set, or it will show you "teleportation fail", and give one pure ender pearl to you.

tp back wand is the reuse item of "tp back pearl", don't give you the pearl if you fail.

tp player pearl make you teleport to the random player in same dimension, just right click it to teleport, if there is no player, give you an ender pearl.

tp player wand is the reuse item of "tp player pearl", don't give you the pearl if you fail.

each teleportation will deal some damage on you.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.19

2 Update Logs

v2 : by paul90317 07/04/2022 10:34:28 pmJul 4th, 2022

you can teleport to custom dimension now.

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10/20/2023 5:35 am
Level 46 : Master Wolf Nerd
We can't download the Datapack ("not found")
12/20/2022 1:53 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
can you make it so you have to accept a request to teleport
07/06/2022 7:23 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
what's the crafting recipe of each item
07/06/2022 10:14 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Professor
Dont you see image gallery?
