Minecraft Data Packs / Other

The Menagerie Moons ~ [A Tribute To Hermitcraft's Big Moon]

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Level 74 : Legendary Artist
Hermitcraft Season 8 has just ended today, and I wanted to make a datapack as a tribute to the season, and what better way to do it then with the cousins of the big moon?

This datapack currently adds 3 new nighttime events, and one specifically as a reference to Hermitcrafts end. The moon events are listed below

  • Hightide Moon - Acts almost just like the Big Moon in Hermitcraft, 'appearing' to be sucking up blocks and players without actually griefing
  • Starlight Moon - Fills the air with glimmering light, and occassionally comets will rain down with some XP!
  • Blood Moon - Mobs during this night event will gain +50% more health, but their loots will be increased too!


/scoreboard players set moon_bloodmoon moon_count 1

/scoreboard players set moon_starlight moon_count 1
/scoreboard players set moon_hightide moon_count 1

Keep in mind it must be nighttime in game for these commands to actually manually start one of these night events. They will automatically end when it turns day.


Downloading a datapack is simple:

1. Open your minecraft's saves folder %AppData% > .minecraft > saves > yourworld
2. Drag the datapack zip into the datapacks folder in the selected world
3. Do not unzip it. Once its in the folder, type /reload in your game chat and the datapack should load!

This datapack will work on existing servers, just make sure you add the datapack in when your server is offline. I also highly recommend making a backup just in case!

The Menagerie Moons ~ [A Tribute To Hermitcraft's Big Moon] Minecraft Data Pack
Join the Discord Server to chat, discuss, and get help with my datapacks!
Link: https://discord.gg/XZVARKkjwt

Hope you like this pack! I know its alot smaller than what I usually do but I thought it would be nice to make some kinda tribute to this hermitcraft season. I might update this pack in the future with more moon events, who knows (;
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18

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03/17/2023 9:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Works on 1.19.3
02/13/2023 9:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
For those asking for 1.19, good news! It's still compatible for 1.19.2.
10/19/2022 8:17 pm
Level 1 : New Network
A great extension! We loved it on our old 1.18.2 and miss it a lot on the 1.19.2 server. We would love to see it again!
07/21/2022 3:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Will this come to 1.19? :D
04/18/2022 5:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Could you make one for bedrock edition if you can
04/06/2022 1:41 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
How did you get those effects for the starlight moon? They look so good!
Mandatory Fun
03/11/2022 11:47 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Gorgeous datapack! Nice work. Would it be possible to make the moon look red during the blood moon?
03/08/2022 11:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Will this works for 1.18.2
01/05/2022 2:34 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Hi! Could you possibly provide me with some information of how to add effects to the hightide moon? Im trying to add jump boost 2-3 and random levitation.
12/26/2021 2:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is there a way to make it pick up different blocks when the hightide moon happens?
