Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

Amplified Nether ~ 1.16

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    Starmute's Avatar Starmute
    Level 91 : Overlord Terraformer

    Please join my Discord if you have any questions about this pack or if you're interested in my other projects!

    The Perfectionist's Amplified Nether is a pack that aims to make the Nether 256 blocks tall while retaining every other detail as exactly as possible, with an emphasis on good biome borders and accurate surface builders.

    If you just try to extend the nether's height upwards, many things like surface builders will break. For example, the unique patterns on the Soul Sand Valley's floor and ceiling, the patches of netherrack and nether wart blocks in the Crimson and Warped Forests just... won't exist, and the Basalt Deltas' ceiling turns to netherrack above y=128. Basalt pillars in the Soul Sand Valley won't work at all, and in general most things just die because of hardcoding.

    I've gone through significant effort to recreate these features as faithfully as possible. You'll recognize the familiar curves of soul sand and soil soil in the Soul Sand Valleys, the basalt ceilings in Basalt Deltas, and the patches of nether wart blocks and netherrack in the Crimson and Warped Forests. The ceilings are not perfect, unfortunately, because making them 100 percent perfect would mean unplayable lag during generation.

    Please note that due to the techniques I've used here (particularly for the ceilings) the world's generation will likely not be as fast as vanilla.

    This pack is based on the excellent work in FireNH's "Taller Nether" pack. His pack is better for performance, but provides a less accurate rendition of an amplified Nether.

    One last thing - this pack is NOT compatible with Incendium! There will be an Incendium Amplified pack released at a later date.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

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    09/15/2022 3:50 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
    Razzller's Avatar
    Really good datapack. But can you update it for generation like in version for 1.18/1.19?
    06/30/2022 8:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Aspiron94's Avatar
    Incredible work! Just wondering if it is compatible with the mod Better Nether or in general nether biome adding mods?
    big boy 12
    07/26/2021 1:26 pm
    Level 48 : Master Procrastinator
    big boy 12's Avatar
    this is really cool
    07/10/2021 7:37 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
    Javi-Flyer's Avatar
    Funciona para la 1.17?
    07/26/2021 2:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    dr3am_b3ast's Avatar
    It says "Data pack validation failed!" as I try to apply this datapack to the new world. This exact thing also happens for FireNH's "Taller Nether" datapack.

    So, I guess, the answer is "no" =(
    05/16/2021 1:39 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    AveryLynx's Avatar
    Really amazing! I love having more nether.

    The only issue that I found was that the bottom layer of bedrock (y = 0) does not always generate - and I couldn't think why! As the nether starts generating the last layer generates like normal - but then just disappears.

    Other than that - I don't notice any issues!
    07/10/2021 7:38 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
    Javi-Flyer's Avatar
    hmmm bedrock farming
    04/25/2021 6:29 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
    Javi-Flyer's Avatar
    Has pensado en hacer un datapack que aumente la altura de construcción del nether y end a 320 para 1.17 compatible con el de las cuevas de mojang? Si no lo pensaste, ahí va la idea
    11/10/2020 8:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Leonardo1406's Avatar
    When Incendium will be compatible with this datapack?
    11/06/2020 1:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Collective
    Megavbyte's Avatar
    This is incredible. I always felt like the nether was to short. Good job!
