Minecraft Data Packs / Cosmetic

Shooting Stars and Ambient Particles v1.2.3 for 1.17-1.18.2

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Predicates
  • 6,121 views, 1 today
  • 472 downloads, 0 today
Level 49 : Master Sus Imposter

  • At night in the overworld (except in cave biomes) it is posible to see shooting stars.
  • In soul sand valleys you can see souls floating around in the air.
  • In basalt deltas it´s posible to apreciate lava particles everywhere.
  • If you go to nether wastes you´ll see smoke in the ambient.
  • At the end dimension you can watch purple particles moving around the sky.
  • In ocean, deep ocean, lukewarm ocean, deep lukewarm ocean, warm ocean, beach and stony shore you can see an ocean breeze.
  • At swamp you will see green particles at air.
  • You can enable or disable any feature of the datapack (or uninstall it) using the configuration menu (thanks to 2mal3), for using it type:
/function #stars:menu

  1. Download the datapack.
  2. Click in make a new world or open the .minecraft folder and go to the saves folder and go to the folder of an existing world.
  3. If you clicked make a new world: Before creating it click in "datapacks" and click in open the world folder; if you want to install the datapack on an existing world: after opening the folder of your world open the "datapacks" folder.
  4. Copy and paste the datapack and open (or create) the world.
  5. When you are inside the world type in the chat the command: /reload
  6. Enjoy! :)

Read the changelog and the readme document (both inside the datapack folder).
If you distribute the datapack in other websites or you make a video give me credits as the creator of the pack and put the link to this post and the link of my Planet Minecraft website.

You can tell me any suggestions in the comments.
CreditMenu made by 2mal3
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.18

15 Update Logs

Update 1.2.3 : by Rob333 07/19/2022 2:01:06 pmJul 19th, 2022

Semi-fixed: Stars displaying in caves (won't be totally fixed).

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05/26/2022 12:05 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Please add configurability for each particle, in my game the rates of shooting stars are way too high. Disabling all particles with optifine or the base does not remove them.
06/08/2022 4:46 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Sus Imposter
Finally!, this was hard but finally it's published the update with the menu.
05/27/2022 9:01 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Sus Imposter
Done, update coming soon.
PD: Are the stars causing lag?, or just is annoying the amount of them?
05/28/2022 1:27 am
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Not lag, they were just all happening all at once. Feel like shooting stars should be rare.
05/28/2022 10:54 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Sus Imposter
Ah ok,that´s very hard to balance, i can change the amount, but the frecuency of particles it´s made by minecraft and would be impossible or very hard to change that, but the menu it´s done and the datapack will be updated on june 8th.
05/26/2022 8:36 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Sus Imposter
Well, i´m not so good for datapacks (i´m learning), but i´ll try to make a configuration menu (probably this will late). And thanks for the note about disabling stars.

Edit: I´m gonna re-balance the stars again too.
05/22/2022 6:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Is possible to disable stars?
05/22/2022 5:26 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Sus Imposter
Changing the particle configuration in the graphics menu (I recommend using Optifine for disable the stars), and you can also modify the files of the datapack (this just if you understand how datapacks work).
05/18/2022 6:44 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Sus Imposter
I need ideas for adding particles in other biomes, please tell me your ideas of wich particle I should add in wich biome.
05/26/2022 10:22 am
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
I'd say add something to the swamp. Either fireflies or some other glowing thing. A will-o-wisp might be cool.
