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rattemaster's Avatar rattemaster
Level 28 : Expert Musician
This datapack makes building a village easier.

To get started, you must craft(look in images for recipe,shapeless recipe; If you craft, do only one at a time or you will lose resources) or rename a paper to wandering trader call. Put it in an item frame and wait until it spawns a wandering trader. The trader wont despawn, and it has custom trades. Trades papers that will summon architect, depending on biome*. The books are important to read, the first one gives all the facings of all the buildings (same for every biome), the other 3 tell whether you should dig one block down or 2 blocks or 3 blocks down before placing the item frame(different per biome). If the building is not included in any of the dig down books you don't need to dig down any blocks for that building.

You can turn any bed to a white bed when combined with a water bucket (see images) if you want to do the white bed trade.

Resource trader can be accessed by renaming a paper to "resource trader call" or buying the renamed paper from architect summoner. They sell biome-related items and grass blocks.

The papers architects sell must be put into item frames to be built, if you didn't understand "item frame" in the above paragraph.

When there is more than one type of building from a specific filter, for example "plains large house", there will be chosen by the game which one is gonna be built, depending on scoreboard matches (however, this is not the case for the meeting point; it only uses one of the 3-5 available structures). I recommend you put this datapack in a creative world of yours first to see what every paper does, before using this datapack in your survival world, otherwise you may just accidentally ruin your builds or kill a special nearby mob. Some of the buildings also has modifications into a better or more realistic way, for example the farms has the composters the same levels as the farmlands so the farmer won't be able to trample the farmland. Fishing huts have some more realistic modifications on them too for example the savanna version doesn't have the barrels all below the building but right behind the building on a raised planks so the fisherman looks like it's actually catching fish.

More info about facings: the facing given in the book will be what side has the entrance, go 3 blocks in the opposite direction of the facing said in the book to place the item frame (also remember to dig down if needed).

Have fun! Report bugs and ask questions in comments or on discord server.

*Will build the cartographer building from the respective biome, summon the architect with its custom trades and summon an emerald block item for a headstart. Now supports plains, savanna, desert, jungle, snow, taiga and swamp (all the biomes).

Notes about jungle part: since jungle villages doesn't exist in vanilla minecraft, I simply made the structures like the repurposed structures mod. All what happens here is it builds the savanna buildings in case of jungle, and replaces every block with a jungle-style block. This means there might be a chance of a savanna block being in some of the jungle buildings, please report if you find it.

Trading post for snow uses plains trading post and replaces every block with snow-style, and for taiga uses the same but with taiga-style blocks.

Notes about swamp part: since swamp villages doesn't exist in vanilla minecraft, I simply made the structures like the repurposed structures mod. All what happens here is it builds the snow buildings in case of swamp, and replaces every block with a swamp-style block. This means there might be a chance of a snow/spruce block being in some of the swamp buildings, please report if you find it. The trading post is savanna one replaced with swamp blocks instead of snowy one replaced with swamp blocks.

Some of the jungle and swamp houses kill item entities nearby when built. Dropping your items near the item frame with the paper inside may cause items to be lost or a wrong item spawning like a door. Consider not dropping items near the item frame when it didn't build yet.

1.16.5 version can be downloaded from the button titled "1.16.5 download". Directs to Dropbox, where you can easily download it by clicking "download".

Discord server: come right in!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.18

9 Update Logs

Update 0.5 : by rattemaster 12/09/2021 11:04:17 amDec 9th, 2021

Added swamp support.

Finished all the functions.

Added bed trading to villagers, so you can trade a white bed instead of an emerald block for the houses (only for small and fancy houses; and giant desert house)

Added recipe to convert any be to white in cane you want to trade a bed with the villagers but don't have white. (Read description)

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01/15/2022 9:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Taknax's Avatar
Does this work on 1.16.5?
01/16/2022 12:25 am
Level 28 : Expert Musician
rattemaster's Avatar
I believe the naming won't work. However I can test if the features work, or I can backport. It won't be a problem for me
doing that.

Edit: I tested on 1.16.5. There is a few error that occured, I will fix them real quick.

Alright 1.16.5 version created, download from the button titled "1.16.5 Download"
08/25/2021 10:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lupint's Avatar
Works on Fabric server using Paxi mod to add ability to use data packs
08/25/2021 11:09 am
Level 28 : Expert Musician
rattemaster's Avatar
I know fabric is a mod platform, by server type I mean "bukkit, spigot, paper or purpur" servers. But I think what you mean there is using fabric disables the ability to use datapacks? And the mod you mentioned there makes this datapack useable on fabric?
09/06/2021 2:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lupint's Avatar
Right, Paxi allows the use of datapacks on the Fabric server side. When you add Paxi to the Fabric server mods folder, a folder is created in the config section (under Paxi) to place the datapacks for use, and allows for sorting multiple datapacks as well. The client won't need to install it to use it.
So, I have a Fabric server set up with Village Architect in the datapack folder and it works just fine, no problems. Hope this helps
09/08/2021 12:01 pm
Level 28 : Expert Musician
rattemaster's Avatar
That's what I expected to be the case. I know datapacks don't need client to install, but glad to hear all that, but if this datapack didn't work with that compatibility, wouldn't that mean there's something wrong with the paxi mod itself? Also, this datapack only uses low-level commands like execute, scoreboard, setblock and fill.
08/14/2021 7:00 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
EndermanDotDat's Avatar
..... is that lefty gamemode
08/15/2021 2:22 am
Level 28 : Expert Musician
rattemaster's Avatar
so the insult gang approaches
08/15/2021 3:08 am
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
EndermanDotDat's Avatar
wdym insult. you're a superhuman
