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Required Resource Pack
Hi, this is a Datapack I created for fun and I hope you will have fun with it!
The Wand
You can craft an Wand by throwing one Oak Wood and one Nether Star on the ground.
There are four attacks:
1. Levitation
- You fly up and get no fall damage, falling down
2. Nethers Ashes
- A cloud of ash appears
- You get invisibillity for a few seconds
3. Athlete
- You get Speed, Strength and Resistance
- You are immune to fall damage
4. Fire Smash
- You jump up and damage entities and players with your fire while colliding on the ground
The Horn of Freezing
You can craft an Horn of Freezing by throwing one random Goat Horn and one Nether Star on the ground.
When right clicking:
- Every player in an radius of 20 blocks, exept you, gets frozen in place for 5 seconds
The Weatherstaff
You can craft an Weatherstaff by throwing one trident and one Nether Star on the ground.
When right clicking:
- Changes the weather for 10 seconds to Thunder
- On every player or mob that hits you in this time period, there will be summond lightning, you get no damage from this lightning
- After 10 seconds the weather goes to clear
The Second Ring
(No pun intended)
You can craft the Second Ring by throwing one Gold Block and one Nether Star on the ground.
When held in offhand:
- You´ll be COMPLETLEY invisible (Exept you Armor)
- You get Slowness (+1 Amplifier per 10 seconds)
- You get Hunger (+1 Amplifier per 10 seconds)
- Every 20 seconds you exponentially get damaged
Mana Dust
You get the Mana Dust by killing evokers.
When held in hand:
- You get 20 additional Mana points per second
- With "/trigger wandinfo" you get more info ingame.
- It´s based on a Mana system, while being really balanced.
- It is ESPECIALLY made for multiplayer and is much more fun there (Because fights with this are really fun). But you can also play it in singleplayer.
- Also its paired with a texturepack and it looks not as good without it.
- To deinstall the datapack in your world, type:
"/trigger wands_deinstall"
Hi, this is a Datapack I created for fun and I hope you will have fun with it!
The Wand
You can craft an Wand by throwing one Oak Wood and one Nether Star on the ground.
There are four attacks:
1. Levitation
- You fly up and get no fall damage, falling down
2. Nethers Ashes
- A cloud of ash appears
- You get invisibillity for a few seconds
3. Athlete
- You get Speed, Strength and Resistance
- You are immune to fall damage
4. Fire Smash
- You jump up and damage entities and players with your fire while colliding on the ground
The Horn of Freezing
You can craft an Horn of Freezing by throwing one random Goat Horn and one Nether Star on the ground.
When right clicking:
- Every player in an radius of 20 blocks, exept you, gets frozen in place for 5 seconds
The Weatherstaff
You can craft an Weatherstaff by throwing one trident and one Nether Star on the ground.
When right clicking:
- Changes the weather for 10 seconds to Thunder
- On every player or mob that hits you in this time period, there will be summond lightning, you get no damage from this lightning
- After 10 seconds the weather goes to clear
The Second Ring
(No pun intended)
You can craft the Second Ring by throwing one Gold Block and one Nether Star on the ground.
When held in offhand:
- You´ll be COMPLETLEY invisible (Exept you Armor)
- You get Slowness (+1 Amplifier per 10 seconds)
- You get Hunger (+1 Amplifier per 10 seconds)
- Every 20 seconds you exponentially get damaged
Mana Dust
You get the Mana Dust by killing evokers.
When held in hand:
- You get 20 additional Mana points per second
- With "/trigger wandinfo" you get more info ingame.
- It´s based on a Mana system, while being really balanced.
- It is ESPECIALLY made for multiplayer and is much more fun there (Because fights with this are really fun). But you can also play it in singleplayer.
- Also its paired with a texturepack and it looks not as good without it.
- To deinstall the datapack in your world, type:
"/trigger wands_deinstall"
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.19 |
to | Minecraft 1.20 |
Tags |
7 Update Logs
Update #7 : by B1ku 05/14/2024 3:29:57 pmMay 14th, 2024
- Updeted Recource pack
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I am currently developing a new datapack around the magical theme, so I probably will add new wands later when I finished the other datapack.
Have fun with the datapack on your SMP and when you have any questions or find any bugs, tell me!
I hope ur new project goes amazingly
/scoreboard enable Mana @a
When they´re not online type/scoreboard enable Mana <playername you want the scoreboard assinged to>
When this isn´t helping I sadly can´t do much for you because I woulnd´t know any other causing of the problem.How high yould you raise the mana count? Maybe I could code a config for that, it wouldn´t be that much of a problem, I think.