Minecraft Data Packs / Simple

WhiteWyzard's Advancements v1.4

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WhiteWyzard's Avatar WhiteWyzard
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
The ultimate version of my personal advancements data pack! With some extra things that I couldn't resist to include!

If you're unfamiliar, this data pack modifies the advencements menu. It will now have a single tab and present a selection of the current most important vanilla advancements, combined with a lot of nostalgia achievements and a couple from the BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack. I also took the liberty of editing the icon, title and/or description of some advancements, even added a few of my own invention.


Credits to niknokinater, creator of Nik's Original Achievements data pack that I used as base for the creation of this one.
Credits to Cavinator1, creator of BlazeandCave's and to MC_JediKnight for the 'Come To The Countryside' advancement from said pack.

Advancements List

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BookTaking InventoryPress E to open your inventory
Oak LogGetting WoodAttack a tree until a block of wood pops out
Crafting TableBenchmarkingCraft a workbench with four blocks of planks
Leather BootsAdventure Time!Travel at least 1000 blocks from the centre of the world in any direction
Fishing RodFishy BussinesCatch a fish
Bucket of PupperfishTactical FishingCatch a fish... without a fishing rod!
SaddleWhen Pigs FlyFly a pig off a cliff
Oak BoatThis Boat Has LegsRide a strider with a warped fungus on a stick
MinecartOn A RailTravel by minecart at least 1 km from where you started
MapSubspace BubbleUse the Nether to travel 7km in the Overworld
CampfireBonefire LitLit a bonefire and rest at it
Powder Snow BucketPowder-fullPick up some powder snow in a bucket
Crying ObsidianWho Is Cutting Onions?Obtain crying obsidian from a ruined portal or bartering with piglins
Golden BootsHot Tourist DestinationsExplore every Nether biome
Diamond BootsAge Of ExplorationDiscover all biomes
Wooden PickaxeTime To Mine!Use planks and sticks to make a pickaxe
Stone PickaxeGetting An UpgradeConstruct a better pickaxe
FurnaceHot TopicConstruct a furnace out of 8 cobblestone blocks
Iron IngotAcquire HardwareSmelt an iron ingot
Iron PickaxeIsn't It Iron Pick?Upgrade your pickaxe
Lapiz LazuliDIAM- Wait...It's still useful for enchanting
DiamondDIAMONDS!Acquire diamonds with your iron tools
Diamond PickaxeCool Merchandising PropCreate a pickaxe of the highest calibre
Diamond ChestplateCover Me With DiamondsDiamond armor saves lives
Diamond HelmetCrazy DiamondWear a full suit of diamond armor
Enchanting TableEnchanterUse a book, obsidian and diamonds to construct an enchantment table
BookshelfLibrarianBuild some bookshelves to improve your enchantment table
JukeboxClassic VibesMake a jukebox out of planks and a diamond
Music Disc PigstepChillin' The PlaceMake the Nether chill out with the beats from a jukebox
Music Disc OthersideMusic LoverListen to all the music discs
ShieldNot Today, Thank YouDeflect an arrow with a shield
Iron ChestplateSuit UpProtect yourself with a piece of iron armor
Iron HelmetIron ManWear a full suit of iron armor
AnvilA Heavy JokeGet 31 iron ingots and craft an anvil
Carved PumpkinIt's Alive!Assemble an iron golem
ShearsWoolesome RelationsheepUse shears to obtain wool from a sheep
White WoolComplete the MonumentGather all 16 colors of wool
Lava BucketVERY Hot TopicFill a bucket with lava
ObsidianIce Bucket ChallengeObtain a block of obsidian
Flint And SteelWe Need to Go DeeperBuild a portal to the Nether
Ancient DebrisNether Say Die!Melt out some ancient debris from deep beneath the lava oceans
Netherite PickaxeHow Did We Get So Dark?Use a netherite ingot to upgrade you diamond pickaxe in a smithing table
Netherite ChestplateCover Me In DebrisNetherite armor saves lives
Netherite HelmetDarklordWear a full suit of netherite armor
Respawn AnchorWhat A Strange Bed!Craft a respawn anchor
Nether BricksA Terrible FortressBreak your way into a Nether fortress
Blaze RodInto FireRelieve a blaze of its rod
Ender EyeEye SpyFollow it!
End Portal FrameThe End?Locate the End
Dragon HeadThe EndDefeat the Ender Dragon
Dragon EggGeneration NextHold the dragon egg
End CrystalThe Start Of SomethingMake an end crystal
BedrockThe End... AgainRespawn the Ender Dragon
Ender PearlRemote GetawayEscape the island
Purpur Block55th Parallel SouthReach the city at the end of the game
ElytraSky's The LimitFind an elytra
Shulker ShellGreat View From Up HereLevitate up a distance of 50 metres
PotionLocal BreweryBrew a potion
Golden AppleZombie DoctorCure a zombie villager
Milk BucketA Furious CocktailHave every potion effect applied at the same time
Wither Skeleton SkullSpooky Scary SkeletonsObtain a wither skeleton's skull
Soul SandAdvanced Ritual ArtsSpawn the Wither
Nether StarThe Star Of The ShowGet a nether star by killing the Wither
BeaconHigh LightCreate a full beacon
Fire ChargeReturn To SenderDestroy a ghast with a fireball
Ghast TearUneasy AllianceRescue a ghast from the Nether, bring it safely home to the Overworld... and then kill it
Wooden SwordTime To Strike!Use planks and sticks to make a sword
BoneMonster HunterAttack and destroy a monster
Bone MealMonsters HunterdKill one of every hostile monster
Netherite AxeOverkillDeal 9 hearts of damage in a single hit
BowTake AimShoot something with a bow and arrow
CrossbowOl' BetsyShoot a crossbow
ArrowSniper DuelKill a skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 meters
Wooden HoeTime To Farm!Use planks and sticks to make a hoe
ComposterNatural FertiliserFill up a composter
Oak SaplingThey Grow Up So Fast!Use bone meal to grow a sapling into a tree
Jungle SaplingEcologistPlant down all six types of sapling
Warped RootsHell BotanistGather every Nether plant
Rose BushProfessional FloristCollect all types of flowers
Bee NestTotal BeelocationMove a Bee Nest with 3 bees inside using Silk Touch
Wheat SeedsA Seedy PlacePlant a seed and watch it grow
BreadTake A BreadTurn wheat into bread
CakeThe LieWheat, sugar, milk, and eggs!
Beetroot SeedsIt Ain't MuchPlant every single type of crop on farmland
Diamond HoeSerious DedicationCompletely use up a diamond hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices
Netherite HoeFool Me Twice...Completely use up a netherite hoe. Clearly you have chosen... poorly
Rabbit FootRabbit SeasonBowl, meat, carrots, shrooms, and potatoes!
AppleA Balanced DietEat everything that is edible, even if it's not good for you
PumpkingNaturally CarverdHarvest some spooky pumpkins
Pumpking PieThe PieBake a pumpkin pie
WheatThe Parrots & The BatsBreed two animals together
LeadBest Friends ForeverTame an animal
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18

2 Update Logs

1.4 : by WhiteWyzard 12/15/2022 6:33:06 pmDec 15th, 2022

Added 6 new advancements:
  • Fishy Bussines
  • Tactical Fishing
  • Subspace Bubble
  • Bonefire Lit
  • Total Beelocation
  • Best Friends Forever
Removed 'Look It Dings!'

Name of 'Hard Work' changed to 'A Heavy Joke'

Name of 'The City At The End Of The Game' changed to '55th Parallel South'

Name of 'Whitering Heights' changed to 'Advanced Ritual Arts'

Name of 'Beaconator' changed to 'High Light'

Name of 'Come To The Countryside!' changed to 'It Ain't Much'

Name of some other advancements slightly changed to be shorter.


Download 1.3 version here.

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04/22/2023 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New System
WHEEET's Avatar
Love this pack! Do you have a version for just the 1.19.4 Vanilla Advancements??
12/15/2022 11:24 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Taco
Flanck's Avatar
this is cool!
10/26/2022 11:08 am
Level 25 : Expert Bear
Roonplert's Avatar
This Needs more attention! such a great pack!
10/26/2022 1:43 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
WhiteWyzard's Avatar
Thanks! Glad you liked it!
