PBL S7 Finals! Kefka vs OreoVal

Kefka's Avatar Kefka1/10/15 8:30 pm
1 emeralds 4.2k 68
1/23/2015 10:48 am
TheHipster's Avatar TheHipster
Kefka's Monster in Ender-Diamond Armor

OreoVal's Sea nymph-inspired mannequin display

*Vote only for the skin you think is better.
*Do not vote just because of who made the skin.
Posted by Kefka's Avatar
Level 89 : Elite War Lord

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01/23/2015 1:16 am
Level 27 : Expert Nerd
j_0anna's Avatar
I vote OreoVal cuz I can use that skin as a Maiar (also I just generally like it better).
Sowwy Kefka.
01/20/2015 11:07 am
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
MinecraftGurl11's Avatar
kefka's is more original and put together.
oreo could have done anything else besides a girl
01/17/2015 7:21 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
1234560's Avatar
Oreaval's is not only a teen skin, but it's a poorly made unoriginal one.
01/23/2015 10:48 am
Level 29 : Expert Explorer
TheHipster's Avatar
Either you've no idea what a nymph is
or you just hate anything that's female.
01/18/2015 3:05 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Robot
PrototypeTheta's Avatar
01/18/2015 2:56 pm
Level 46 : Master Princess
OreoVal's Avatar
We discussed this on the last page. I don't see how it's a teen skin at all. It's a female mannequin.
01/17/2015 7:13 pm
Level 89 : Elite War Lord
Kefka's Avatar
Thanks everybody! This season was a lot of fun. GG Oreo!
I so look forward to having the ability to make my own colors again.
01/18/2015 12:49 pm
Level 46 : Master Princess
OreoVal's Avatar
Congratulations, it was nice being able to battle you.
01/17/2015 10:54 am
Level 31 : Artisan Narwhal
xenolovegood's Avatar
looks like kefka is gon win well too bad oreo but YAY KEFKA YAY HIGH FIVE BRUH
01/16/2015 6:28 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
LuxLacis's Avatar
I liked Kefka's overall skin, but the dress on OreoVal's skin 0.0 amazing.
01/16/2015 10:37 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Gratz Kefka.
01/16/2015 10:15 am
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu Kitten
Ash's Avatar
Congrats Kefka. Definitely deserved the win here with a fantastic skin.
01/16/2015 10:20 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
yep, even though @Kefka you should really stop using that ender theme >.>
01/16/2015 6:00 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
maye we should call you Snowy's shadow because you quote her half the time she posts something
01/18/2015 12:54 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
great minds think alike, no need to be hostile :p
01/15/2015 10:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
Oreos looks less random.

Also I like the green bits.
01/14/2015 3:55 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragon
Blazyy's Avatar
I like Kefka Better.
01/13/2015 1:47 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
PureNerd's Avatar
Kefka's idea is more original even if he has several ender skins in his history, anything's more original than teen skins. (No offense Val, you have great shading and all, I'd just like to see things other than teen girls.)

I don't think it's fair how all female-based skins are considered teens.
Honestly, it's a mannequin. How is a female mannequin automatically a teen?
I did use similar hair shading to my usual, but that's how I would shade even a boy skin's hair, or something close to it.
I mean it's not like it has teen eyes, boots, a hoodie, or is covered in bows and flowers. It's way different from things people generally call "teen skins."

Even if it weren't my own skin, I wouldn't ever classify it as a "teen skin." But I respect your opinion.

ehh, sorry last post came out harsher sounding than I meant, (lel up at like 2 AM idk I was tired ok).

All I meant was human or very human like female skins seem a little overdone IMO, I still appreciate them for the colour and shading quality, just the idea seems a lil stale. Really, you're a great skinner, keep up the good work ok.

So your voting for Kefka because you like his style and idea which he often creates,
but you don't like Val's because of her style and idea which she often creates?
01/13/2015 1:32 pm
They/Them • Level 74 : Legendary Vampire Prince
Drzzter's Avatar
Kefka's idea is more original even if he has several ender skins in his history, anything's more original than teen skins. (No offense Val, you have great shading and all, I'd just like to see things other than teen girls.)

I don't think it's fair how all female-based skins are considered teens.
Honestly, it's a mannequin. How is a female mannequin automatically a teen?
I did use similar hair shading to my usual, but that's how I would shade even a boy skin's hair, or something close to it.
I mean it's not like it has teen eyes, boots, a hoodie, or is covered in bows and flowers. It's way different from things people generally call "teen skins."

Even if it weren't my own skin, I wouldn't ever classify it as a "teen skin." But I respect your opinion.

All I meant was human or very human like female skins seem a little overdone IMO, I still appreciate them for the colour and shading quality, just the idea seems a lil stale.
01/13/2015 1:18 pm
Level 89 : Elite War Lord
Kefka's Avatar
You don't have to use all the colors in the palette, its all about making the best skin with the colors provided. I felt the green really took away from what I was going for in the skin. I did try it.
01/14/2015 3:52 pm
Level 40 : Master Pokemon
Chellizard's Avatar
Woulda added that extra bit. And I understand you don't need to use all the colors, it just feels like a cop-out.

Still haven't voted. Waiting til I'm certain.
01/13/2015 12:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Seribun's Avatar
My vote goes to Val as she actually used all the colors. That's what the contest was about right, who could use the palette better?
01/13/2015 10:17 am
Level 40 : Master Pokemon
Chellizard's Avatar
I would have voted for Kefka, and I really still might, but OreoVal used the green. I think the green could have been used in Kefka's skin as the eye color, and maybe as green ooze coming from the mouth. But eh.

Still undecided. Will vote soon.
01/12/2015 11:25 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Val's was more original.
01/12/2015 2:42 pm
Level 35 : Artisan System
xdthomasu's Avatar
OreoVal, cuz not that messy than Kefka's ;> eg
01/12/2015 2:17 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Kioki's Avatar
Hmmm tough choice, They both are very amazing, but I think I am going to go with Kefka for this vote.
01/12/2015 2:08 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
Kefka's idea is more original even if he has several ender skins in his history, anything's more original than teen skins. (No offense Val, you have great shading and all, I'd just like to see things other than teen girls.)

I don't think it's fair how all female-based skins are considered teens.
Honestly, it's a mannequin. How is a female mannequin automatically a teen?
I did use similar hair shading to my usual, but that's how I would shade even a boy skin's hair, or something close to it.
I mean it's not like it has teen eyes, boots, a hoodie, or is covered in bows and flowers. It's way different from things people generally call "teen skins."

Even if it weren't my own skin, I wouldn't ever classify it as a "teen skin." But I respect your opinion.

It's not a teen skin I agree with Val here (after all it's a sea nymph) in most popular legends nymphs are female... I think people are too quick to call something a teen skin just because it is female.

If dat sea nymph was wearing a hoodie though...

But yeah not a teen skin. BOTH Kefka and Val have made skins with a style similar to what they've used before but that's just because it's THEIR style- Val has her shading and Kefka his- so just vote for what you prefer
01/12/2015 1:10 pm
Level 46 : Master Princess
OreoVal's Avatar
Kefka's idea is more original even if he has several ender skins in his history, anything's more original than teen skins. (No offense Val, you have great shading and all, I'd just like to see things other than teen girls.)

I don't think it's fair how all female-based skins are considered teens.
Honestly, it's a mannequin. How is a female mannequin automatically a teen?
I did use similar hair shading to my usual, but that's how I would shade even a boy skin's hair, or something close to it.
I mean it's not like it has teen eyes, boots, a hoodie, or is covered in bows and flowers. It's way different from things people generally call "teen skins."

Even if it weren't my own skin, I wouldn't ever classify it as a "teen skin." But I respect your opinion.
01/12/2015 10:56 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Dragon
Altofino's Avatar
Both are really awesome but I decided to vote for Oreoval's one because it is more awesome, (GREEEEEEN HAIR ERMAHWADGAWD(I like green C:))
01/11/2015 9:45 pm
Level 26 : Expert Unicorn
Leeanne's Avatar
I like Kefka's better. My vote goes to him
01/11/2015 8:49 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
roxiefiboss10's Avatar
01/11/2015 8:42 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Baconator
BenDragonsword's Avatar
Hmm... honestly, I have many issues with both of these skins.
Mainly, my problem is that they both borrow too heavily, especially stylistically, from the respective creators' past skins. Even looking back at earlier weeks of this season.

Kefka's mouth is overused, along with the Ender concept and style. Whereas, OreoVal's borrows too heavily from her past skins such as the Warrior from her Semifinals entry.

Don't get me wrong - I love both skinners, and they're both very good skins - they're just not as good as I've come to appreciate from both artists.

OreoVal gets my vote for her concept and better use of the color scheme. Sorry Kefka, but the armored look is getting really old.
01/11/2015 7:47 pm
Level 41 : Master Pixel Puncher
AtomicCookies's Avatar
I voted for Kefka, not because it looks nice, but I feel all of Oreo's skins were female or girl skins. Would've been better if she was more creative rather than going with the female skins.
01/14/2015 3:20 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Uhum, Kefka is more creative? Val does a lot of "girl" skins, and Kefka does a lot of "ender" "armor" skins. Neither one hit points for creativity. Both played it safe with their ideas, and stayed in their strengths.

So, it comes down to which ever one you thought was better, as creativity doesn't really apply here
01/11/2015 7:27 pm
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
All the posts have been made on why I'm voting for Kefka, so I don't need to repeat them. Kefka's is a great skin and Val's is not bad.
01/11/2015 6:20 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Zombie
envyfan53's Avatar
Normally I would go for the most simple and cute skin, but Kefka's skin is just.. WOW.. my vote goes to Kefka<3
01/11/2015 5:07 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Fanjawi's Avatar
My vote goes to Kefka.

Congrats on the win btw.
01/12/2015 9:56 am
Level 46 : Master Princess
OreoVal's Avatar
Oh, he hasn't won yet. It's only a 10-point difference, and there are still 4 days of voting. Anything could happen.
01/11/2015 4:55 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
Allergy_Man's Avatar
So I like Kefka's use of the purples and blues to make one color, and his shading, but his skin seems unoriginal to me. I don't mean that in a negative way, it just looks like a couple of his other skins combined into one. The back looks similar to this skin.

The head looks similar to this skin.

It's a good skin, but I guess I just like seeing more original content like Kefka usually posts.

Val's skin is good too, but looks more simplistic compared to Kefka's. Also, I think the body and hair aren't done as well as the amazing dress. (Though I understand Val was going for that more jointed mannequin look.) I also think it would've been awesome if she tried to fit this shade in for the body.

I'm not going to reveal my vote, but good luck to both of you.
01/11/2015 4:05 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Princess
Sausager's Avatar
Voted for Val because we need to stop Kefka's domination of PMC ^>^
01/11/2015 3:31 pm
Level 48 : Master Spider Rider
Mayanaisee's Avatar
not too fond of how val did her hair, however the dress and skin look really nice.

i don't really like the way kefka did the back of the legs though. but the way he used the pallete, color wise is amazing.

i think both skins are awesome, and both the skinners deserve to be in the finals, but my vote goes to kefka.
01/11/2015 11:50 am
Level 71 : Legendary Senpai
LIL_Danica's Avatar
I voted for Val. I feel like she went all out to use most of the palette, where as with Kefka's I can't see most of the green part of the palette. Also I have seen that ender like design on many of Kefka's skins. So sorry Kefka but Val got my vote.
01/12/2015 11:05 am
They/Them • Level 74 : Legendary Vampire Prince
Drzzter's Avatar
...And I have seen that teen girl skin design on many of Val's skins..

Not a huge fan of Kefka's shading, Val's isn't that great either though.

Kefka's idea is more original even if he has several ender skins in his history, anything's more original than teen skins. (No offense Val, you have great shading and all, I'd just like to see things other than teen girls.)
01/11/2015 6:06 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Gent
Deeno's Avatar
You both did a good job
Though Kefka's one was just a tad better.
01/11/2015 5:18 am
Level 89 : Elite War Lord
Kefka's Avatar
ah man...its actually been 10 months since I made my last ender themed skin guys (Ender Bot)
01/11/2015 5:40 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Yes, I know that, but the main theme of your skins is ender (you have like 4-5 skins that are ender themed).
01/11/2015 5:45 am
Level 89 : Elite War Lord
Kefka's Avatar
yep, it was kind of my thing the first year I was skinning
01/11/2015 5:58 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Fair enough.
01/11/2015 5:08 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
My vote goes for Kefka. His skin is pretty good and I love the use of the 1.8 hat layer. The shading on OreoVal's looks a bit weird. The hair on her skin looks like it's made out of mini rectangles and IMO the arms and the face don't fit the other parts of the skin (they're pretty simple). Overall both skins are pretty good.

@Kefka try using the ender theme less.
01/11/2015 3:30 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Fisherman
Reefripz's Avatar
I like yours kefka but I like Vals more
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